Unit 342: Using bespoke software & Unit 354: Monitor and solve customer service problems.
1.11.6 and 2.3: I input relevant information accurately daily so that it is ready for processing. I do this by scanning in the forms we receive, after separating them into piles to group them for easy scanning. After I have scanned them all, I then use Xpress to start the processing. When I am doing so, I make sure I copy all the details accurately. This is very important, as I am dealing with personal and sensitive information received from the public. I take extra care when entering the digits, such as NI numbers or date of births. When inputting this information I am using a scanner, keyboard and mouse. I found that one reoccurring problem I had
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Civica had the ability to tell me who is currently paying council tax at a property and also who else lives there, it also tells me whether they have made their required payments and from this information I can judge who is living at a certain address. This enables me to register people at empty properties by checking the address on council tax and then, if I have the right to believe a certain person is living there I can register them onto Xpress.
2.1, 2.2 it is important that I use my software functions to structure, layout and style information. I do this initially when scanning in new forms, changing the scanner settings to take all the correct information when scanning. I have to do this otherwise the scanner might not pick up the text/writing and may not include the whole page which would result in losing important information. I change and use these structures and layouts to organise the information efficiently by changing the resolution, paper size and front rotation as well as any other changes that may be needed for a particular form.
3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 I select and use appropriate tools and techniques to edit, analyse and format information when processing postal forms and also setting templates for scanning. Both of these procedures include the use of text boxes, for example when I process postal vote forms I must place the correct text box around the signature and
“All the cells take in and use nutrients and other substances from their surroundings. Cells of the intestine and the kidney are specialized to carry out absorption. Cells of the kidney tubules reabsorb fluids and synthesize proteins. Intestinal epithelial cells reabsorb fluids and synthesize protein enzymes” (McCance & Huether, pg. 2).
In this assignment I will be choosing and describing a service user for my case study and I’m going to explain how some factors such as medical disorders, life style and many more may have influenced their dietary intake. Due to the data protection I will not be using their real name.
* Nursing care providers are not covered by this legislation and must make their own arrangements for the disposal of unwanted medicine through a licensed waste management company.
D1 – Evaluate the impact of war, conflict and terrorism on one UK Public Service
The procedures that need to be followed when retrieving information for paper based information consist of finding out whether you are allowed access to the information, finding out where the information is stored if you are allowed access to it, looking for the information, taking it from its storage place remembering how it was stored for when the information is to be put back. The procedures that need to be followed when deleting information for paper based information consist of finding out if the information is confidential or not normally something that is confidential has address or names on it, if the information is confidential then it needs to be cross-cut shredded if the information is not confidential then it can be shredded normally. The procedures that need to be followed when archiving information for electronic based information consist of checking to see if the information contains legal information or long-term business obligations, checking to see if there is more than one copy of the information, if there is more than one copy of the information check to see if the extra copies can be deleted, if the
A practical exercise is an option to allow those who do not perform well in traditional interviews to demonstrate that they do have the skills required to do the job role, for example if no mention is made of excellent verbal communication skills as an essential requirement of the job but accurate data entry skills are then this can be demonstrated using an exercise whilst taking account of the candidates limitations in the former aspect.
-3 x 1.66 pts. = minus 5 pts. = 45 pts. out of 50 pts. = 90%
Looking at the outcomes, which are the result of the support plan, these include inputs, outputs and outcomes. In simplified terms, these items look like:
1.2 Explain circumstances when it is necessary to seek specialist expertise in relation to recruitment and selection.
4.1 & 4.2. – Describe different types of office equipment and the uses of different types of office equipment
Continual Self-Development is the approach where an individual takes prime responsibility and ownership for their own learning and development. This approach requires motivation and commitment in order to exploit learning opportunities and minimise the impact of weakness. A continuing self-development should be undertaken in partnership with the organisation and self-development should enhance the role held within the organisation. There are many benefits to be derived from continual self-development: improve performance and self-confidence; identify and develop specific skills and qualities; increase learning capacity; help achieve potential.
Employee performance is a performance criteria standard of an employee, they must have good behaviour and mustn’t do anything bad like waste time. Employees are rated on how well they do their jobs compared with a set of standards determined by the employer.
1.1 Explain the importance of a holistic approach to assessment and planning of care or support.
Unit: 654 Manage disciplinary processes in health and social care or children and young people's settings.
2. Working according to the agreed ways means following the organisation’s policy and procedures in relation to pressure areas. It also means following the individual care plans and respecting the instructions in place. For example making sure a resident is turned every two hours, applying Cavilon cream on areas; fill in turning charts, prompt fluid intake. Under the duty of care a care assistant must always be aware of and raise concerns regarding possible pressure areas. Always record information in care plans accurately and in confidentiality.