A. Pendahuluan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dapat dipandang sebagai aset strategis dan kompetitif bagi perusahaan di tengah iklim bisnis yang makin sarat kompetisii. CSR dapat memberi banyak keuntungan yaitu : 1. Peningkatan profitabilitas bagi perusahaan dan kinerja finansial yang lebih baik. Banyak perusahaan-perusahaan besar yang mengimplementasikan program CSR menunjukan keuntungan yang nyata terhadap peningkatan nilai saham. 2. Menurunkan risiko benturan dengan komunitas masyarakat sekitar, karena sesungguhnya substansi keberadaan CSR adalah dalam rangka memperkuat keberlanjutan perusahaan itu sendiri disebuah kawasan, dengan jalan membangun kerjasama antar stakeholder yang difasilitasi perusahaan tersebut dengan menyusun …show more content…
• Apa Permasalahan yang dihadapi? • Apa manfaat CSR bagi perusahaan? C. Pembahasan Latar Belakang The Body Shop Melakukan CSR Perusahaan kosmetik erat kaitannya dengan pemberdayaan lingkungan dalam rangka menghasilkan produk yang baik dan aman untuk digunakan, sehingga kebutuhan mereka untuk berinteraksi dengan baik terhadap lingkungannya sebenarnya tinggi, sehingga lingkungan tersebut dapat terus memasok kebutuhan-kebutuhan dari perusahaan. Namun pada kenyataannya kondisi ideal tersebut jarang terjadi, yang ada justru pemanfaatan yang tidak bertanguung jawab atas lingkungan. Contoh yang paling umum terjadi adalah penggunaan hewan-hewan yang tidak bersalah untuk melakukan uji coba atas formulasi dari produk yang dihasilkan (animal testing). Menananggapi fenomena ini, pada tahun 1976 1976 di Brighton, Southern England seorang wanita berkebangsaan Inggris yang bernama Anita Roddick membangun bisnis sekaligus memperjuangkan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan lewat produk yang dikembangkannya. Anita menyuarakan kepedulian sosial dan kepedulian lingkungan dengan berkomitmen tidak akan melukai makhluk hidup di atas bumi ini. Pernyataannya tentang against animal testing itu benar-benar diwujudkan, bukan cuma bermain kata-kata. Bahkan setiap tahun The Body Shop membuat laporan kerja penanganan lingkungan yang dipertanggungjawabkan kepada stakeholder. Misi dari The Body Shop adalah untuk mendedikasikan bisnisnya dalam melakukan perubahan sosial dan lingkungan ke arah yang lebih baik.
When becoming a veterinary technician, one of the utmost important steps is to take appropriate courses in high school and college and afterwards get the correct licenses and certifications. For those, each state is a little different in which certifications they require in order to pursue a career as a veterinary technician. Whether you are planning to be a LVT (licensed veterinary technician), RVT (registered veterinary technician) or CVT (certified veterinary technician), depends on which state the tech lives in. New Mexico, along with many other states, currently registers and certifies vet techs, but they do not license them. The difference between certifying and licensing is that to be certified is just a statement of qualification, while
Every organized company worldwide should have among its structure, one planning and coordination division in which social and business goals are integrated. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs are necessary for commercial business as an element of risk management and represent an outstanding mechanism for the stakeholders to identify weaknesses when their own actions or others conduct in its operating environment generate social risk. (Kytle and Ruggie 2005).
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined by Carroll as being split into four possibilities,”it is economically profitable, law abiding, ethical and Philanthropic” (Visser. W, 2005). Economic responsibilities is defined as being for profit purposes, managers focus is purely on the outcome of the business and the shareholders, there is
(Dialogue Magazine) — Like the lines in her drawings, Shantell Martin’s route to notoriety has been long, winding and unique. From East London to Japan to New York. The phenomenal artist shares some insight into her journey and works.
and corporate social responsibility (CSR)”. Business need to transform for sustainable development. “CSR” is not only an empty talk which is also become the determinate factor of a company. “Jacoson and Nelson(2004) take more of a how-to approach, offering a principle-based framework for mastering what they called ‘new rules of the game’.” (Alessia, 2009) CSR of business began to wake. “There is growing sense that looking after the people and the community as well as the environment are all relevant to long-term business survival.” (Alessia, 2009) As the CSR become a esthetic standard and sustainability standard for a business, companies focus more on triple bottom line-people, profit and planet-also could definite as environmental, societal and business arenas. CSR is a start to lead business to sustainability. It is more likely a principle to measure companies’ ethics and sustainability. Berkhout indentified some challenges for companies under the CSR principle. “How to balance its social and environmental responsibility with its economic responsibility to
CSR is the obligations of the business to pursue those policies, to make those decisions, or to follow those lines of action which are desirable in terms of the objectives and values of our society. According to (Carroll and Shabana, 2010), CSR has also become one of the most orthodox and widely accepted concepts in the business world during recent years. According to (Sweeney and Coughlan 2008) and (Maignan and Ralston 2002; Wanderley et al. 2008), Organizations increasingly use CSR activities to position their corporate brand in the eyes of consumers and other stakeholders, such as through their annual reporting . communicating about social activities does not always benefit the communicating organization, notably because CSR communication may trigger stakeholders' scepticism and cynicism (Mohr et al. 2001; Schlegelmilch and Pollach 2005).Many organizations engage in CSR because they believe that it is in the organization’s best
Business is an attached and entrenched part of the society. In addition to its economic role in society, business also has several other roles and accountabilities towards society. Many reputed multinational companies doing business and interacting with the society as well. The objective of the study is to highlight the current status of CSR practice of MNCs in Bangladesh and activities of GrameenPhone is used as example.
Animal testing has long played a part in the science of testing, and it still plays a very important role in the medical world. Testing on animals in order to create a cure for AIDS is one thing, but testing on animals for human vanity is another. Animal testing is used to test the safety of a product. It has kept some very unsafe substances out of the cosmetic world. However, in this day in age, animal testing is not the only way to test the safety of a product. Animal testing in cosmetics has decreased over the years. However, it is still used by many companies in America. Animal testing is not only cruel, but it is also unnecessary in today’s advanced scientific world.
Thesis: It is not ethical to use animals for testing purposes. Animal testing, especially for cosmetic and consumer good purposes should be banned. Those companies that continue to use animal testing should be charged with animal neglect and cruelty. Animals live and have emotions just as human and deserve the right to a happy life.
CSR programs ranges from community development to development in environment, education, healthcare etc. Provision of better medical and sanitation facilities, constructing schools and houses, and making the villagers more self-reliant by providing vocational training programs are the amenities that the organizations focus on. Many of the organizations are helping other peoples by providing them high-quality standard of living. Also, organizations are increasingly joining hands with non-governmental organizations and utilizing their expertise in developing programs which address wider social
Perkembangan yang pesat pada perusahan-perusahan jasa menyebabkan semakin pentingnya peranan tenaga kerja , sehingga siklus jasa personalia pada banyak peerusahaan merupakan bidang audit yang material. Di pihak lain, saldo rupiah utang gaji dan upah pada umumnya tidak begitu signifikan namun pengungkapan yang berkaitan dengan opsi saham dan program pensiun biasanya merupakan pengungkapan yang material.
The structured interview session revealed that majority of the managers (5) prefer philanthropy as a direct and “least involving” CSR strategy. These managers admitted that they channel their financial contribution to various governmental or non-governmental organizations that act as implementing agencies of various programs in the society. This support model is the most preferable CSR concept as compared to other CSR strategies that have been discussed in this paper. This has been confirmed by Kytle
PERTANYAAN DASAR • Seberapa besar proporsi uang yang dikeluarkan perusahaan untuk CSR? • Dari mana pos anggaran CSR tersebut diambil, apakah diperhitungkan sebagai biaya perusahaan
As the globalization are happening faster and the scale is more worldwide and intensive, international business is more the concerned subjects for a lot of researches. And among factors that related to that field, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is considering as a very essential and key feature in doing business internationally (Werther & Chandler, 2005). Therefore, there are numerous and wide range of studies in associated with defining CSR, figuring out the relationship between CSR and organization performance, etc. Moreover, while applying CSR as a phenomenon or as an integral part of operations, overestimate or misunderstanding of CSR is one of the significant problem (Blomgren, 2010). My paper aim at conducting a fairly depth understanding of CSR in form of four main points: 1. Definition of CSR, 2.The effects of CSR on International Business, 3. Different perspective toward CSR, 5. Pros and cons when implementing CSR in Vietnam conditions.
Solving issues of money with the American Government Administrative Agencies almost takes an act of God. Have you ever noticed that there are never wrong? I do not know of a case where the citizen prevailed without court involvement. Why is that?