Chapter – 4 Section – 1 importance of socialization 1. Socialization and personality a. Socialization – the process of learning to participate in a group a.i. Social life is being learned a.ii. Begins at birth and ends at death a.iii. Most important learning occurs at the beginning of life 2. How do we know socialization is important a. Compare socialized infants with isolated infants b. Experiments have been done with monkeys 3. How do monks react to social behavior? a. Harry Harlow – surrogate mother experiment pg.111 must read and notes contact and comfort b. Isolated monkey become distressed, apathetic, and withdrawn c. Can we generalize from monkeys to humans c.i. Risky but possible c.ii. Babies denied close contact …show more content…
For the first time relationships with other care givers is impersonal a. Rewards and punishments are based on performance rather than affection b. Schools create a feeling of loyalty to something beyond family 2. Underlying the formal goals of school is the hidden curriculum a. The informal curriculum teaches discipline order cooperation and conformity b. Schools teach time management Peer groups 1. Only agent not controlled by adults a. A child belongs to several peer groups 2. Develop give and take relationships a. Independence from adults is promoted b. Development of self-expression c. Peer groups have more influence than family – children Mass media 1. Display role models for children to imitate 2. What about violence in mass media? a. By age 16 they will have seen 20,000 homicides on TV b. Studies show aggressive programs increase aggression in children Section 4 DE socialization and socialization 1. How does delocalization prepare for new learning? 2. People give up old norms, values and behaviors a. Total institutions – places in which people are separated from the rest of society 3. Accomplished in many ways: a. Replacing personal possessions with standard – issue items b. Use of serial numbers to ID people c. Loss of privacy d. Denied the use of given names 4. How does socialization begin? a. Once the self-concept has been broken down people adapt
Cooley argues that our self develops through interactions and our impressions about how other people see us. Do you think that he is correct? Why or why not?
Chapter six brings a different approach at introducing the importance of sociology. This chapter, focuses upon the historical significance of American sociology as society knows of it today. It discusses many different aspects of sociology, but it intentionally focuses on these important aspects that include: “The Chicago school”, sociologists whom attributed to American sociology, and the rise of female sociologists. These three fundamentals establish the overall history of American sociology.
Submission refers to at least six sociological concepts covered in the lectures or textbook reading
Chapter 3 of Essential of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach by James M. Henslin discusses the topic of socialization, which is the process by which people learn the characteristics of their group—the knowledge, attitudes, skills, norms, values, and actions thought appropriate for them. Sociologists try to determine how much of a person’s characteristics comes from “nature” (heredity) and how much from “nurture” (social environment). Studying feral, isolated, and institutionalized children, such as The Skeels/Dye Experiment, have helped them understand how “society makes us human.” The theories and research of Charles Horton Cooley, George Herbert Mead, and Piaget to explain socialization into the self and mind. Cooley’s looking-glass self theory focuses on how we believe others perceive us.
M2 - Use different sociological perspectives to discuss patterns and trends of health and illness in two different social groups
Samantha works in a place that is hierarchical, has a division of labor, written rules, communications and records, and in which the administration treats workers impersonally. Based on these characteristics, we can conclude that Samantha works in a[n] ________.
Amalgamation-(melting pot) all groups should combine their traditions calues and characteristics with one another to create a new group.
If Sociology is the systematic study of human society, then sociological imagination is what we perceive or think about how people work and or think in a more personal and bias matter. C.W. Mills believes that merging two different theories of social reality of the “individual” and “society”. Mills challenges readers and learners by arguing many basic terms and definitions from what “we” believe are right. Chapters one and two talks about how society portrays what we know rather then the facts. Our bias opinions and beliefs often go against what science has proven.
In this essay, I will assess the strengths and limitations of unstructured interviews for investigating the effect of material deprivation on educational achievement by using Item B and my own knowledge. Material deprivation is the idea that a lack of money leads to disadvantages, Item B gives an example of ‘low household income, poor housing and a lack of work space in the home.’
According to Durkheim, Social fact or social phenomenon are the main subject matter of sociology. He said in one of his pieces that social fact must be studied distinct from the biological and psychological phenomenon. Social order is the trend of behavior being used to exercise power over another person. It has become rules and regulations that have been set up by some authorities to be obeyed by another group of people who are being undermined in a society, it is a situation that oppressed people and limits them from their liberties. When people go through these situations they cannot function the way they are supposed to function because they are limited by their freedom. These social orders are not only laws but rather certain norms created by the authority to put a whole race into a situation where they are very far from freedom of speech, movement, and knowledge. African Americans are an example of a race that has been through discrimination at workplaces, schools, community etc. They are one race which has been a label or put in a class where the situation will never permit you to climb the ladder of success. Although you might have all the certification, qualification, the best schools, etc. but the fact that you came from the poor class or the lower class, it becomes very difficult for the Caucasian people to give you the opportunity you deserve, because of this, the citizens of American have been grouped into different classes which are upper, middle, working,
Identify the four major sociological theoretical paradigms. For each, what are the key tenets? How does each explain how society works?
Sociological theory creates ways to understand the social world by having different theories to explain understand social life. It aids to make sense of this social world. It draws together a wide range of perspectives to help provide the fullest picture. (Macionis & Plummer p.36) It shows that one theory can explain something that another cannot. My aim is to answer this question with reference to both functionalism and conflict theory. This will be done by comparing and contrasting both theories in relation to their perspectives on both suicide and gender discrimination as social issues relevant to this day and age. Functionalism and conflict perspectives are both macro theories. This means that they focus on the big picture, for
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The paper should be typed, double-spaced, 11-point font, 1” margins. Both the write-up and your typed journal should be saved as ONE document with page numbers. Remember to include a citation for any resources referenced, in proper APA format, and make sure your name is on your paper.
After reviewing the article titles given for this first assignment, I believe they indicate that Sociology, generally speaking, is not only a study of diversity or commonality in traits among people; it is also a science about factors in a person’s life and how these factors culminate responses. Interestingly enough, its topics of concern seem to be directly determined by current and common events of the world. Through the invention and expansion of new ideas, popular trends and fashions through time, Sociology adapts to responsibly to service the very subjects of interest it studies; for, even the slightest change of a person’s daily experience can have an insurmountable impact on attitude, personal growth, family