
online v face to face training Essay

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Online Training V Face to Face Training. !

Our first mistake could be thinking that one is better than the other. Or that one exists without the other. However, progress comes from adapting to the environment in which we find ourselves and training like everything else in our lives is going “online". So anyone who wants to make a difference in vocational education can now raise their sights to master the “classroom on the cloud”.! !

So what do we want to bring with us, from the old methods and what new technology and understanding is coming to light for the Online Educator. The following 5 points are a good place to start for blending methods of adult education and technology. !


1. Acknowledge the student. Get to know …show more content…

Apparently society wants us to “have it all “. Education is having to survive in this economy with or without the support of the government . So we find many undergraduate and post graduate courses being offered only when they can integrate with a full time working or job seeking role.!


On line learning of course has the edge at this one. Rural communities and city traffic jams can all be benefited by the classroom with the ultimate 24/7 accessibility. However lets hope it is not at the detriment of the need to connect and collaborate with others. We cant have every student at 3 am in the cyber world struggling on their own. Online learning providers can and should provide opportunities to come together. Weather it is for the regularity of a stable schedule to build on the students progress or just something to look forward to. Technology can provide,even for the most limited computer literate, webinars or online chat facilities that bring the learning experience to the current moment. The opportunity to engage in instructor led discussions, unscripted real life presentations, interactions via question/answer sessions or simply an audio visual review of the materials already provided, will lead the learners into further progress. !


Instant chat type programs are a huge bonus for the online learning tool kit. Where possible to provide the student the same instant

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