Sample Case Analysis (Case 10.1)
First read the case carefully. In this instance Cregg Hart is interested in knowing if the rivet diameter from a potential new supplier is the same as the diameter from their existing supplier. This lends itself naturally to do a confidence interval or suitable confidence level, say 95% or do a hypothesis test assuming the mean diameters from the two suppliers are the same.
Next open the Excel file which you can download from CANVAS Excel files and into your computer completely free of charge and run with it.
What should result from assignment is as follows:
Please Note: students in face-to-face classes should turn in a hard copy with a staple on eth top left corner. Students in the online
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Specifically they imply that we cannot reject the null hypothesis of equal means. Also notice the p_value of
0.82 which implies that if we rejected the equal means hypothesis, we would be making a type I mistake with a probability of roughly 82%.
Conclusions / recommendations
As the two rivet families have equal mean diameter, statistically speaking, which means that they also have equal strength.
This leads us to recommend that if the new supplier is reliable and less expensive, they should be utilized at least for a part of production process at the Motive Power Company until they are totally proved over time and then can be relied upon for their rivets for larger orders.
As the data was downloaded from CANVAS class file, it is not attached. If this project involved collecting data, it would have been attached in this appendix.
Please also note the following information as it appears in your syllabus to help you do cases in this class:
On page 5 it says:
Case Analysis: Case analysis is essential to understanding the material in this class. Throughout the semester case analysis exercises are assigned in the
15 In testing the hypotheses: H0 β1 ’ 0: vs. H1: β 1 ≠ 0 , the following statistics are available: n = 10, b0 = 1.8, b1 = 2.45, and Sb1= 1.20. The value of the test statistic is:
The Null Hypothesis for this test was Ho: u1- u2 = 0. Dr. Williams Found that the t-value = 0.98603, the p-value = 0.328213, and that p < 0.05. This means his results were not significant at a 0.05 level. Therefore, we fail to reject the null. Dr. Williams can conclude there is no difference between the scores of his two Intro Psych. classes.
9. Suppose that you were asked to test H0: μ = 10 versus Ha: μ > 10 at the [pic] = 0.05 significance level and with a sample of size n = 10. Furthermore, suppose that you observed values of the sample mean and sample standard deviation and concluded that H0 be rejected. Is it true that you might fail to reject H0 if you were to observe the same values of the sample mean and standard deviation from a sample with n > 10? Why
This assignment is intended to ensure you understand some of the basic terms used in this course.
Step 1: During this step of hypothesis testing, the query is stated again as a research theory and a null theory regarding the populations. The null and research hypothesizes are the opposites of each other. This step is necessary because it explains the theory and recognizes the populations, which will be worked throughout the study.
Save this document to your work area. When you have completed it you will upload to your lecturer through the VLE. Your lecturer will demonstrate this in class
Customers make demands on the market by routinely expressing their desire for “more”. This has been called “seeking a bigger and better deal”. The demand is for more value, and more options. As they search the marketplace for its offerings, customers are often pleased to see new suppliers. They consider the new offerings, and make decisions about changing their purchasing habits.
So the p-value for this test is 0.006. Which is smaller than the significance level 0.05, as a result I am rejecting the null hypothesis based on the p-value approach as well.
In this case, the null hypothesis has been proven and accepted. Keep in mind that the null hypothesis “predicts that the
Dynamic Aircraft has a company policy that states it must have at least two qualified suppliers for their critical materials.
Conclusion : Reject the null hypothesis. The sample provide enough evidence to support the claim that mean is significantly different from 12 .
Initially, customer X was ordering a specific type of Torsion Rod (8mm) produced by high grade Aluminum wire. Customer Y has been purchasing Steel wire Torsion rod (8mm). Wire length is 1inch. The Production team was able to meet the demands by running these separate orders in a single machine with wire straightening and cutting operation. The chamfering operation is done in separate machine. In recent past, customer X had ordered for Steel torsion rods too. The order quantity is large which requires Peterson Spring to purchase new wire straightening and cutting operation machine as well as Chamfer Operation. On the other hand, customer Y has given a new order. There is an existing order with chamfering operation and the new order with just cutting operation. The Production team found it difficult meeting the work order with current resources. The Production Team raised this issue to senior management which might create a bad reputation if failing to meet the demands of customer and delivering order on specified date. The Production Team met with Senior Management and funds were sanctioned to purchase a chamfering machine to support existing production of SUSPA Torsion rods. It is expected that Peterson Spring will be attracting new customers and few more orders of higher quantity from existing customers in next few months to come. There has never been any quality issue or reject from
importer and exporter of raw materials and per assembled parts from their vast group of certified
* Select File > Save Worksheet As to save the data set. You must either keep a copy of this data or download it again off the web site for future labs.
* Select File > Save Worksheet As to save the data set. You must either keep a copy of this data or download it again off the web site for future labs.