
Mockumentary In Chris Lilley's Summer Heights High

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The Australian produced show Summer Heights High, is created and written by Chris Lilley, it was directed by Stuart McDonald. It was a mockumentary which takes place at Summer Heights Heigh, it was filmed over a school term. The show was centered around three characters Jonah, Ja’mie and a drama teacher called Mr.G. The show followed these three characters around displaying what their every day life is like. Jonah is a 13 year old boy from Tongah who has disciplinary problems and does not like to participate at school. Ja’mie is a private school girl that is on an exchange program. She is the typical snobby private school girl that thinks she is better then everyone else, she also thinks she can get away with anything. Mr G is …show more content…

comedic techniques used throughout this scene are Chris Lilley’s tone of voice while playing Ja’mie in my opinion makes everything funny, also stereotypes were used were funny with the typical white snobby private girl that is displayed throughout this episode and not just this scene. Just like the last scene satire was again used along with taboo, a lot of the comedy portrayed in this television show has a lot to do with satire and taboo. Pseudo-science is portrayed a lot throughout this scene with the sayings Ja’mie with how she will get pregnant and how she is going to leave home at 18.

To conclude, the Summer Heights High program displayed many comedic techniques, in the two particular scene that i mentioned mainly satire and taboo were used and also film techniques were used to show emotion that Jonahs father was displaying when they were telling him what Jonah drew. The second scene it was mainly all taboo with what Ja’mie was saying to her mum it was really dark and crude humour, which is what made it such a memorable part if the

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