
ema b120 Essay

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The main reason for this is the radical changes put in place so rapidly with immediate effect. This resulted in lack of structure and consistency throughout the whole chain stores, as you gave each store manager to much autonomy to change the store i.e. decor, food menu etc., the business culture values as a whole was lost and that was what made the business a success before. I understand some changes had to be made but not so drastically. The loss of business culture and lack of dimension of structure had a lot negative effect in the business especially demographic and sociology factor wise as regular customers dislike the changes and constant change in staff router, the reason for this was staff/managers never has any incentive target to …show more content…

These can take many forms, and would include the annual office party, employees and inner site completion (what does this mean?). (as mentioned before)
Physical form: these include location, open plan or individual plan or individual office. Not relevant in a restaurant.
Communication: Stories of notable events in the past tend to become part of the culture of the business and can influence behaviour explain how this relates to the case.
A common language: jargon is common to many business. It is a convenient short hand form of communication, but is also effect behaviour. Disney employees are “cast crew” while McDonalds employee are “crew Members”.
You have to be careful to hold on to the facts of the case, and not to go off at a tangent.

Part 2
One of topics I found interesting through reading and taking part in

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