
Case Study: Procter and Gamble’s Business Strategy Essay examples

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Case Study Questions
(1) What is Procter & Gamble’s business strategy? What is the relationship of collaboration and innovation to that business strategy?
Procter & Gamble uses “distributed development” as part of their global model. This model allows for the adaptation in a set of tools and practices that fit an organization’s needs. This can range from project management procedures to specific chain of tools used by company’s development team. P&G shares the model for increased communications from all aspects of the company; from production to suppliers, to upper-management. By increasing interaction of its employees, informed decision making is fostered which can ultimately lead to P&G producing more quality goods.
(2) How is P&G …show more content…

Summary of Case Study: Procter and Gamble
Discovering early on, as Procter and Gamble (P&G) did in 2000 under the leadership of then CEO A.G. Lafley, that current methods of information handling and communication are ineffective can prove beneficial if the right blend of technology and leadership are woven into the fabric of the organization globally. When P&G realized that its current information handling processes were inefficient and dated, such as “gluing” together page-by-page experiments done by scientists, Lafley took the initiative to modernize the organization as a whole to allow for a more collaborative method of information sharing. According to then-Innovation Manager for P&G’s Global Business Services Joe Schueller, the biggest culprit in efficient information sharing was email. Senders were controlling the flow of information, causing those involved in the email to not have the distributed information available to them. Also, sharing of information such as presentations via email proved redundant as the same file was being sent out to multiple recipients. To allow for a more collaborative working environment globally, P&G elected to use Microsoft SharePoint. Although employees initially met with resistance to the idea, SharePoint allowed for a single-point of information sharing while combining a myriad of technologies such as email,

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