
bowlbys attachment theory

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Ethology was first applied to research on children in the 1960s. It has become more influential in recent years and is concerned with the adaptive, or survival, value of behavior and its evolutionary history (Hinde, 1989). The origins of ethology can be traced to the work of Darwin. Its modern foundations were founded by two European zoologists, Lorenz and Tinbergen (Dewsbury, 1992). Watching the behaviors of animal species in their natural habitats, Lorenz and Tinbergen observed behavioral patterns that promote survival. The most well known of these is imprinting, the early following behavior of certain baby birds that ensures that the young will stay close to the mother, and be fed, and protected from danger. Observations by …show more content…

The view that is accepted today is known as the ethological theory of attachment. Bowlby (1969), who first applied this idea to the infant-caregiver bond, was inspired by Lorenz 's (1952) studies of imprinting in baby geese. He believed that the human baby, like the young of most animal species, is equipped with a set of built-in behaviors that helps keep the parent nearby, increasing the chances that the infant will be protected from danger. Contact with the parent also ensures that the baby will be fed, but Bowly was careful to point out that feeding is not the basis of attachment. According to Bowlby, the infant 's relationship to the parent begins as a set of innate signals that call the adult to the baby 's side. As time passes, a true affectionate bond develops, which is supported by new cognitive and emotional capacities as well as a history of consistent, sensitive, responsive care by the parent. Out of this experience, children form an enduring affectional bond with their caregivers that enables them to use this attachment figure as a secure base across time and distance. The inner representation of this parent-child bond becomes an important part

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