
Zynga 's Mission At A Young Age

Decent Essays

Zynga’s mission is to connect the world through games. Connecting with friends and making new friends through our games or services involves sharing information, (Zynga Team).
Although Zynga has a well planned mission, the problem is that there are not many people who know how to create these video games. Zynga can create a non-profit branch within their organization; this is where it would be beneficial if Zynga partners with MassChallenge. Since there is a high demand for students to learn computer science, students should start learning at a young age. Zynga could create a nonprofit that partners with middle schools and high schools. Although there is already a core curriculum for students to learn, Zynga can create an after school computer science program for students to take if they are interested in it. This will be beneficial in the long run because there will be many students learning how to code. Students who are accepted into the Zynga program since middle can learn to code until they reach high school. After students make it to high school and choose to continue learning computer science, Zynga can offer these students the opportunity to work in the Zynga office as interns. This way students can see the benefits of working for Zynga in the long run. Masschallenge can help Zynga create this by helping Zynga implement this program within many potential schools. “Americans believe computer science should be taught between kindergarten and the 12th grade.

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