
Zuckerberg's Appeal To Neutrality

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I agree with Tufekci that Facebook is not an inherently neutral site and that its algorithms create echo chambers in which users are only ever hearing news, whether fake or not, that confirms their beliefs. I think that fake news is a serious political issues because out system relies on an informed public, which cannot exist where there are sites out that knowingly publish false information for monetary gain that is accrued through advertising revenue that is made through these articles’ circulation through social media, specifically, Facebook. This would not be such a powerful issue if Facebook was not such a larger platform with billions of viewers, but I think that Facebook, especially because of its size and power, needs to be held accountable …show more content…

How do the materials we have discussed over the course of this semester (beyond those for this week) help to complicate Zuckerberg’s characterization of his website as “neutral”? Based on our readings, how would you formulate an argument against Zuckerberg’s appeal to neutrality? The fact that news circulation has become an automated processes with the specific goal to increase viewership and make money off of ad sales, complicates Zuckerberg’s assertion that Facebook is neutral. It appears that the site depends on algorithms that provide users with posts and articles that they think they will like most, and thus, they are biased in that they function to feed into each viewer’s individual bias. Furthermore, these algorithms do not have the consciousness of a human, nor the ability to discern between real and fake news media, at least not in a way that is effective, yet. Also, according it Innis, who argues that media and technology are inherently biased because they favor certain knowledge and contain preformed tendencies of how the media and technology will be used, Facebook biased. As a non-durable media, Facebook has a bias towards space, in this case the monetized spread news articles. As such, it experiences great discontinuity and is preoccupied with the present. This account or the fact that topical and fake news was such an issue during the election. People wanted to use the breath of Facebook to make money on financially viable, yet false,

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