
Zuckerberg And Winfrey Rhetorical Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Dip Lad Mr.Cartlidge ENG4U1-03 20 February 2018 Mark And Oprah Comparative Essay Mark Zuckerberg and Oprah Winfrey both with excellent speeches to the graduates and their huge accomplishments as a student. Zuckerberg and Winfrey are 2 successful billionaires and both delivering an inspirational message, but with 2 totally different speeches at commencement. Zuckerberg talked more on the side of purpose and the challenges of everyone having a sense of purpose while Winfrey talks about rising in anything in some point you will stumble and make mistakes. Zuckerberg and Winfrey both will similar and different rhetorical devices used in their speeches but Zuckerberg more on the side of the use of Pathos and Ethos while Winfrey is more on the side of Logos and Pathos. …show more content…

Something that Zuckerberg said in the speech which was pathos and showing emotion was “I swear getting into Harvard is still the thing my parents are most proud of me for”.(Pg1Zuckerberg) Similar to that in Winfrey's speech was, Not too many little girls from rural Mississippi have made it all the way here to Cambridge. And I can tell you that I consider today as I sat on the stage this morning getting teary for you all and then teary for myself, I consider today a defining milestone in a very long and a blessed journey.(Pg1winfrey) The similarities were that they were both pathos and showing emotion to when Zuckerberg’s parents were proud of him getting accepted into Harvard and Winfrey getting teary for the graduates and herself from the blessed and long journey that she and the graduates have made from starting and finishing school at the University of

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