
Zoo, By Edward D. Hoch

Decent Essays

Throughout the texts, perception vs reality/truth is a very common theme. In the story Zoo by Edward D. Hoch, the author deceives the reader into believing they will know the outcome of the story. “Peoples of Earth, this year you see a real treat for your single dollar--the little-known horse-spider people of Kaan--brought to you across a million miles of space at great expense. Gather around, see them, study them, listen to them, tell your friends about them” (Hoch, 5). ``There are bars to protect us from them. We remain right in the ship. Next time you must come with us. It is well worth the nineteen commocs it costs” (Hoch, 15). The author wants the readers to believe they know the whole truth to the story, when in fact, the readers do not. …show more content…

When in reality, both sides are being deceived because of the perspective that changes. There is always more to a story than what the reader sees. In the story The Children’s Story by James Clavell, the children are manipulated into believing something, while not knowing the full truth. “They all nodded happily and popped the candy into their mouths and chewed gloriously. Johnny was very proud as he chewed his candy, he decided that he liked his teacher very much. Because she told the truth. Because she was right about fear. Because she was right about God” (Clavell, 108). As The New teacher joins the class, she pushes her values and ideas on to the children. She manipulates the children into believing everything she says is correct. In the story, the New Teacher states that Johnny’s father has “wrong thoughts”. Johnny at first, was skeptical, but later on was convinced to think the same. The children also change their opinions on everything they previously believed. For example the children think it’s a wonderful fun time since they get to stay up and eat candy, meanwhile in reality, the teacher is manipulating the

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