
Zodiac Killer: A Narrative Fiction

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Running around the city of New york, a creature that once was a human, who has strayed off the path of humanity, a Kishin known as the Zodiac Killer. while holding a soul in his hand about to eat it when a Kama landed in front of him from out of nowhere, the hand he was holding the human soul in, on the ground; The kama had a sliver blade, a black handle with mint green ribbons wrapped around the handle in a diamond pattern. "How about not throwing me so hard next time!" a girl's voice shouted from the Kama. "Sorry sis!" Another girl shouted landing next to the kama. "Now samurai sword mode please." "Yeah yeah," the kama replied, transforming into a sleek samurai sword with a black blade with a purple edge, with a white handle. "Thank you!" …show more content…

The girl smirked a Cheshire grin, charging at the kishin head on. Both attacking swiftly. Moving past the kishin as it stood frozen in its spot, moments later he was split in half and exploding before forming into a kishin egg. "Sucker." The girl holding the sword said, watching the sword transform into a girl. "How many souls does this make sis?" "This makes it sixty." the other girl said, holding the kishin egg in her hand and absorbing it in to her chest. "So that makes 39 more souls to go!" The first girl responded. "Lets go call Lord death." the other girl replied. The two girls went over to an empty building with a big window, the non weapon transforming girl breathing on to the window before drawing on the window with her pointer …show more content…

Walking down the alley way very carefully, soon a figure appeared in front of her, someone in a hood with her hands waving in different directions. "Excuse me!" Hailey shouted taking a few steps closer. "What are you doing over there?" The figure remained unchanged quiet, her arms still moving in front of her. Getting closer Hailey could make out some more features of the person in front of her. the womanly figure had dark yellow colored hair or some other dark color. "Excuse me!" Hailey called out, seeing the woman stop moving around gazing at Hailey. "I'm sorry to bug you but what are you doing?" The woman stayed quiet as if she was observing Hailey some how, out of the blue she chuckled, walking towards Hailey still hiding her face from plain view. Hailey pulled her hands up to protect herself from what she thought was a threat. The woman passed Hailey with a smirk on her lips. "Things aren't what they seem." she whispered. "What are you talking about?" Hailey asked turning and seeing the woman was gone. "where did she go?" Before she could try to look for the woman, she could hear her name being called. turning her head she saw Sierra running

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