
Zen Buddhist Monk Research Paper

Decent Essays

The journey of becoming a Zen Buddhist Monk is long and difficult. Those who work their way through the many trials it takes to reach this stature are held to the highest regard. Living a life of humility as well as living a life of labor, are two of the steps of becoming a Zen Buddhist Monk. Both challenge the body and mind, and help them reach their full potential.
The first aspect of becoming a Zen Buddhist Monk is to live a life of humility. The way they teach the young monks humility is as follows:
While there is no doubt that the chief means of supporting the Zendo life is begging, as was in ancient days of the Buddha, begging has, besides its economic value, a two-fold moral signification: the one is to teach the beggar humility and the other is to make the donor …show more content…

By seeing the world through the eyes of someone who is consider the lowest of the low by society, they gain humbleness. In addition, the young monks are also taught humility through the food they consume. Suzuki (2010) writes:
They ask for such as are rejected by the farmers as unfit for the market. When they have enough collected they pile them on a hand-cart which is pulled by them as far as the foot of the hill where the monastery is situated. After that, the load will be carried on their backs to the kitchen, and then some will be made ready for immediate consumption while others will be used for pickles or preserved for winter supply. (p. 26)

They do not get to eat vegetables that are considered cream of the crop, they eat the ones that the farmers would not sell to paying customers. This aspect teaches them humility by only allowing them food that may have rotten spots or imperfections. They eat the way the beggars may eat, only taking what they can find. This again gives the young monks perspective, helping them realize their self is not as important as they

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