
Youth Voting

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From within one year of being in highschool, I have learnt that young adults rush for almost everything. From rushing through their homework to rushing to the DMV as soon as they turn 16.As soon as 20 year olds turn 21 they cram into their nearest bar, to legally party all night.However there is one exception. You rarely see young adults rushing to register to vote when they turn 18. Infact, only 21% of US citizens aged from 18 to 24 voted in the 2010 midterm election.Based on this,one can guess how many 17 year olds were eagerly looking forward to their next birthday,so they could register to vote.That means around 1 in every 5 young adults would have voted, so about 6 million votes from the 18 to 24 year old population were cast.Although …show more content…

Potential youth leaders also don’t run for positions,because they know that many youth voters will not vote and participate in the election.This causes an unfair and extremely high representation of the older age groups.Also a democracy cannot continue running this way,if the low voter turnout does not go up.Democracies are threatened by low voter turnout rates,because the loss of votes from a certain demographic groups marks a difference in the outcome of a democratic representative election.Each group that was under-represented would influence election results and might ultimately influence government choices or public policies.Without the “low voter turnout” voters, a democracy is only representative of political enthusiasts,who tend to prefer one status quo or

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