
You Cannot Spell Harlem

Decent Essays

You Cannot Spell Harlem, Without Harm In Push by Sapphire, Sapphire demonstrates how broken the government systems are for the minority community in Harlem. Sapphire accomplishes this by showing that there is an abusive relationship present among several characters on the poverty line and the government systems in Harlem, which are set in place to help the less fortune. All of the characters are struggling whether it be financially or academically. Through Mary Jones, Claireece “Precious” Jones, and Rhonda Patrice Johnston, Sapphire shows that these main characters have an abusive relationship with governmental systems. Claireece “Precious” Jones has been abused by the Department of Education. An evident example of this is when Precious speaks of her education history in the beginning of the novel: “I had got left back in the second grade, when I was seven, ‘cause I couldn’t read […] I should be in the eleventh grade, getting ready to go into the twelf’ grade so I can be gone ‘n graduate. But I’m not. I’m in the ninfe grade. I got suspended from school cause I’m pregnant which I don’t think is fair. I ain’t do nothin’!” (3). Precious falling behind in second grade could have been prevented by her teacher if she had told the students to stop harassing Ms. Jones. Along with her teacher evaluating her …show more content…

[…] I say fuck the whole welfare thing. […] She send me to get a social security card. I tell her the number but she say got to have the card, go get a duplicate at downtown office. By the time I get back from downtown […] she got coat on talking ‘bout she through for the day, going home. You know just as breezy as she can be! Come back tomorrow and she help me right away what she's saying and she know it, spend another night in nowhere sleeping next to death. Git on that park bench, Subway, rooftop-freeze, get stabbed, get raped.

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