
Yellow Wallpaper Reflection

Decent Essays

The Yellow Wallpaper is a story of a married women, who with her family is spending the summer at a somewhat abandon county mansion. They are there primarily to help her recover from what her husband a doctor describes as “a temporary depression, a slight hysterical tendency”. Basically she is experiencing depression, but back then it was considered hysteria. Hysteria was associated with women and somehow their reproductive organs. “I sometimes fancy that in my condition, if I had less opposition and more society and stimulus—but John says the very worst thing I can do is to think about my condition, and I confess it always makes me feel bad.” The narrator desires to think for herself but instead she submits to her husband. She also does not have confidence in herself she just takes over the idea that she has a “condition”. This also …show more content…

It seems as if her husband might not even be her husband, her husband and brother are both doctors. It’s just weird that both male roles in her life are doctors, and if she is in a mental hospital she could be mistaking her doctors for family members. The narrator gives off that these vibes that she really is in a mental hospital, she says that her and John does not stay together, that John is away helping other patients. This could simply be he could really be away helping patients and that they are not together for him to be there with her at night. There are bars on the windows, it is not normal to just bar windows. In a mental home it is more accepted to have bars on the windows for the patients who have suicidal thoughts just as the narrator does. There is also a locked gate at the top of the staircase that connects the first and second floor stairs. So there are several details that the narrator is misunderstanding her situation and not understanding that she might be in a mental

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