Yellow Fever: Infection Control Yellow Fever is an infectious viral disease found in tropical and subtropical areas in South America and Africa. It is transmitted through mosquitos that carry the virus. It is common in the designated areas in South America and Africa but is rare in U.S. travelers. It is diagnosed based on symptoms, physical findings, laboratory testing, and travel history. The symptoms may range from mild self-limited febrile illness to severe liver disease with bleeding. There is no specific treatment for it. The care you take is dependent on your symptoms. There are a few ways to prevent catching this virus, such as, wearing insect repellent under and over your clothes when outside, wearing protective clothing, and getting
If you live in or must go to a place that’s impacted by the virus, avoid mosquito bites and practice safe sex to avoid virus transmission. This means using a condom every
John Smith through the use of “mosquito control” destroyed mosquito breeding areas, which was copied around the globe. Local economies benefited mightily, Smith spoke of an example that a 50$ breeding area removal returned a property value of 10,000$. This idea of establishing local drainage communities soon became a competition of civil pride. Frenchman de Lesseps, attempted to build the Panama Canal, discrediting the threat of deadly disease. Two short years after the construction was underway, even the outsiders began to recognize the death tolls, even despite the officials’ best efforts to cover up these deaths. In 1884, it is acknowledged that two out of every three Europeans died from yellow fever or malaria.
While reading An American Plague, I noticed an interesting detail that so many people were dying at the beginning of the fever according to Murphy (2003) “ On wednesday twelve more died; thirteen died on Thursday. Others besides the doctors were beginning to notice the illness. “ . I wonder if there was or is any way of preventing the fever from happening . According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) it states that you should beware of mosquitoes peaking hours from dusk to dawn . Also it states to use insect repellent with picaridin, IR3535, or oil of lemon eucalyptus on exposed skin . Also there is a vaccination from it , but the (CDC) recommends not getting that vaccination only if you are going where risk of the yellow
Secondly, the cities filth was noteworthy. The city of Memphis was overcome with a rotten smell, excrement of animals, and filth all over the streets. Sanitation conditions were horrible and this had caused previous diseases such as cholera in the years before the Civil War. Thirdly, the weather conditions of the summer of 1878 were ideal for the growth and dispersion of the mosquito that carried the virus. The temperatures during that year's summer were in the range of 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Finally, because Memphis was an important port city for steamboats, the virus traveled easily up north from New Orleans through the Mississippi River. Although, the city of Memphis had previous experiences with yellow fever (1828, 1855, and 186) and other diseases too, the yellow fever epidemic of 1878 was like nothing else previously seen in the history of Tennessee. It was in 1900 that it was discovered that the virus had come to Memphis from and infected ship that had ported in either the Caribbean or West Africa and had later entered the United States to New Orleans and then to Memphis.
In August the Yellow Fever hit Philadelphia, as of then over 5,000 people have died. By the end of September 20,000 of the 50,000 population in Philadelphia had fled to the country. Doctors are butting heads over a treatment, some are saying, like Dr. Benjamin Rush,to bleed the infected to drain the illness from the patient’s body through their blood. But this did nothing to help and we’re back to square one and people are still dying. French doctors, like Dr. Jean Deveze, prescribe rest, fresh air, and lots of fluids and this seems to be the best treatment. What are the symptoms of “yellow fever”? People may experience pain in the abdomen or muscles, chills, fatigue, fever, or loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting. Also common are internal bleeding, delirium, headache, or yellow skin and eyes. But if more than 5,000 people have died where were they buried? People were dying everyday and they had to go somewhere. Some were buried in churchyards and cemeteries throughout Philadelphia others were buried in fields outside the city. The epidemic has calmed down and Philadelphia is
When Moses (Musa) returned from Mount Sinai to the company of the pharaoh, he battled with all the magis under pharaoh’s command. The rod and staff are symbols of that might and power. The FOA acknowledges that the skills, Moses used to defeat the clergy of pharaoh were not only his mastery in magic, but that he possessed skills in the martial arts. At that time the magicians of Egypt were masters of the natural elements, represented as the snake’s staff. (A symbol used today called the caduceus as the wisdom in Medicine) Magic was at its highest peak just like the Pyramids. Moses bested them with a technique he learned from God (The sixth element//Intelligence) while in exile at Mount Sinai. Moses skills with the Staff also proved that Egypt had a stick fighting style 4000 years ago. Moses learned the ancient techniques of the Sphinxes during his early years as a prince in Egypt.
In 1793 Philadelphia suffered from a deadly disease that spread all through the town; it was called yellow fever. The Philadelphia Doctors and the French doctors were attempting to treat yellow fever. The doctors had many ways to try to fix this, but they did not have the technology we do today. Yellow fever occurred 1793. The outbreak happened in Philadelphia. This sad event that killed many people was all because of infected mosquitoes. They came over with the ill refuges. About 2,000 to 5,000 people died. All in all, this was one of the one of the worst things to occur in history
There is a way to prevent it but not much treatment for smallpox. You could stay away from direct contact with someone who might have it. If you know someone who has it then you shouldn't share drinks, kiss, handshakes, and ect. You can get a smallpox vaccination or anti-virals. The vaccination will protect/prevent you from getting it. There is no cure for smallpox.
Introduction: Over time we come to realize a lot of things we have to live life with right under our nose and right at our door step. one of the worst and on going things we have to deal with are Viruses. there are a wide range of different types of viruses, from ones that can kill you ,to ones that we don't even know we have, some are contagious , and some are not, and also the dreaded air borne viruses. One virus that is not commonly mentioned is Valley Fever.
During the Yellow Fever Epidemic in 1793 in Philadelphia, 5,000 people were dead in August 1 and November 9. A Lot of people from philadelphia died of yellow fever, making the epidemic in the city of United States history. By the end of September, 20,000 people left the city. The deaths were in October, when the coldness killed the mosquitoes and brought an end to the epidemic in November. Doctors tried different treatments, but knew neither the start of the fever and still didn't know it was by mosquitoes which was until the late 19th century.
comes every year and most overcome this easily. However, this virus was not the same that these
Most people don’t know that 10% of people that get Yellow Fever die from it. However some viruses are more harmful than others which may scare some people. The many symptoms of Yellow Fever may make this viral infection seem frightening even though there is a treatment available, the history is quite unique, but how it is spread may surprise people.
Since there isn't a real cure for the disease except for hope, vaccination becomes even more important to the people because it is the only prevention for the disease. Mosquito repellents, full covering clothing and
It is very important to immunise against this disease not only because it is a very contagious virus but because it can have some very serious long term effects.
Influenza fortunately can be prevented in most cases. You can prevent it through an annual vaccination. The vaccine is made up of 8 to 10 strains of the influenza virus. When you receive the vaccination the strains have been “killed”, so there is no possible way for you to get this illness just by receiving the vaccination. Your body recognizes the unknown strains and builds up immunity so if a “live” virus gets in your system your body has the correct code to “kill” it off.