
Year's End By Richard Wilbur Essay

Decent Essays

Unlike many believe, a poem is not defined or restrained by rules of structure for poetry is more than a simple structure or rhyme patter of those are just used to give huge meaning and not necessary to portray what the authors are seeing in their mind. Richard Wilbur’s poem, “Year’s End,” is rich in imagery and symbolism that gives us a vivid image of different ways to look at death. Wilbur depicts how the volcanic eruption as if it were a gentle snow fall and the fate of the people Pompeii as a tender sleep and nothing more. With these images, Wilbur gives us imagery that give depth, segments of time that are frozen the moment between life and death. Wilbur also introduces the symbolic meaning of “cold” and its connection to the end of life …show more content…

The poet doesn’t stay with any particular moment like the fern or the leaf, but jumps around to give us a wide view and how they all have a similar connection. We get our first glance of imagery when it begins: “I’ve known the wind by water banks to shake / The late leaves down, which frozen where they fall” (8), with this we get a clear view of a moment when a leaf falls with a freezing of time almost like a memory we can all relate to in a way. The fact, Wilbur chooses to start his poem in a modern setting allows the readers the ability to really connect with the message that life and death are completely unpredictable. Although it is never stated, we get an idea of the things the Wilbur is trying to show us because the title and the images that arise because of this time a year it alludes to. This also shows us that everything was once lively like the leaf, but a random event will make everything to get worse. It appears that throughout the poem the line between life and death is constantly brought up, but it never apparent if the living this are aware that they are frozen in time. Fate can change fast

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