
Yamana Gold Organizational Structure

Decent Essays

1 Introduction Yamana Gold is a Canadian gold producer that began operations in 2003 with important gold production, exploration properties, and an important presence in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Colombia. Yamana added several mining properties with the purchase of other gold companies in 2005, 2006 and 2007, such as Viceroy, Desert Sun, RNC Gold, Northern Orion and Meridian Gold. The main activities of the company are related to seven operating gold mines, namely Chapada, El Peñón, Jacobina, Gualcamayo, Minera Florida, Fazenda Brasileiro and a 12.5% indirect interest in the Alumbrera mine, and others advanced and near development stage projects and exploration properties in Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Colombia. The organizational chart related to the Information technology department is composed by: …show more content…

From my past experience was not common to see many collaboration between departments and moreover to see an excellent work environment between employees and bosses. For me, was a great experience being part of this group and I hope to continue enjoying really good moments and more than co-workers I was able to get very good friends. Relations based on trust are very important to improve collaboration between teams and as well to give and receive support from others. Another think that impacted me was to find an excellent intercultural people. Sharing cultural knowledge, food tastes, and previous experiences were very interesting from a job perspective. Many of my co-workers had different country backgrounds, but that was not impediment to accomplish and communicate accordingly. I was very surprise of how many times we create invisible barriers that for me were removed thanks to the collaborations and due to the opportunity to meet people more as common person than as a

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