Back in Las Vegas, I used to serve for my youth group, YFL, which stands for Youth for Family and Life. YFL is an evangelistic ministry where youth can learn more about God and build that personal relationship with Him. In 2012, I was able to lead a YFL youth treat with my counterpart, Patrick. The joining retreat is a 3-day stay and it is filled with games, activities, sessions about God’s love and His plan, who is Jesus Christ, Faith Repentance, Forgiveness & Healing, and they do not have to be Catholic or Christian to join. I have been in YFL for almost five years, and it was definitely a blessing being given an opportunity to lead a YFL retreat. By serving this youth retreat with my counterpart, we knew this camp was not about us, and
One organization that is becoming increasingly popular, is the new youth church. These churches are made up primarily of young adults; those that attend gain a sense of belonging by their family-like structures and “cell groups”. They also dabble with the postmodern and nontraditional ways of worship, to attract outsiders, and they have a strong emphasis on missionary work.
Evangelhouse Christian Academy is a private, parent-choice therapeutic boarding school for girls. You could say it’s more than a school, it’s a place for troubled teens. Located in St. Martinville, LA and includes 25 acres of beautiful scenery, the young Christian girls who attend will have a wonderful place to become rooted, grow and mature into the young women they should be, not delinquent.
For 17 years God has blessed me to serve alongside my husband as directors of Chi Alpha at the University of Texas at Arlington. During my time here, I have served and mentored hundreds of young women and internationals who now fulfill the mission of Chi Alpha in the marketplace and the world as pastors, missionaries, police officers, nurses, teachers, and social workers. I am especially thankful to walk with those students who came to faith, experienced discipleship, and the Holy Spirit empowered their lives through the ministry.
Every Wednesday I attend Generation 180, which is my church youth group at Highland Christ Community.
The pigs exemplify the Bolsheviks and the rebellion exemplifies the Bolshevik Revolution. In the book there was three times when the pigs symbolized the Bolsheviks. The first time that shows the pigs being symbolize as the Bolsheviks is when they bend the rules to get it their way. The second time that shows the pigs symbolizing the Bolsheviks is when they use fear to get to the top. The third reason shows how the Bolsheviks acted like the pigs and vice versa.
Welcome to the official Josh Kumar website. We promise you that this page is all about Josh Kumar and a lot more about music and life.
During my sophomore year, I decided to sign up for the class "Intro the Counseling Psych." Little did I know this class was going to set me on a course that would change my high school career for the better. It has been two years since taking that class and I am now officially a high school student counselor. As a counselor, I have many opportunities to better my school community. One of such opportunities is taking part in putting together a high school camp. This camp is no ordinary camp though, this event is put on by the psych-social department and is meant to help students become comfortable with who they are. As a staffer, I spend three weeks prior to the camp, painting signs, preparing activities, and even finding costumes to get students
Desert Springs Church Youth Group: I have been part of my church’s youth group since Freshman year. I’ve been able to meet other people, as well as get people involved who usually aren’t. This has helped me gain teamwork skills.
When I arrived, I was a little surprised at the demographics of the two hundred people that were in attendance. I had previously attended a Celebrate Recovery meeting a few years prior and the only demography I encountered were those who seemed like they “needed to be there.” However, I was pleasantly surprised to meet the individuals at this meeting as the people seemed like average everyday people. I felt like I belonged, and as though my struggles matter because all those in attendance were seeking after that new life, set free in Christ. There were people from all over, all different struggles and situations that it made the
During the past couple months of preparation, my team planned a youth revival, but when we got down to the school yard was, we found out that a whole city revival was planned. There were pastors and worship teams from around Haiti that came for the revival. We soon realized that we were definitely not the ones running the show, and that we were just there to dance with the people, and to sit with them! It was almost better this way, because we got to build relationships with people that originally wouldn’t have
The Art of Personal Evangelism: Sharing Jesus in a changing culture By Will McRaney, Jr. Nashville: Broadman & Holman Academic, 2003, 268 pp., $19.99 paper.
This year I got to participate in a youth outing with the youth at my church. Corp Cadets Academy, is a young people’s trip with The Salvation Army for the weekend. On October23-25,2015where the whole division of Florida gets together. It is a time where youth are able to be themselves, have fun, get away from home and worship the Lord and are able have a time alone with God surrounded by people who are trying to do the same thing. At the event, I got to see different types of talents on each day and see how the youth would praise dance in different songs and, put on plays and skits for us.
For the past 6 years I have gone on a church retreat to Gatlinburg with my youth group.
Being Roman Catholic is what lead me to become an altar server for St. Gabriel’s Catholic church in 2008, today I continue to altar serve until I leave for Michigan State University in the fall. By participating in altar serving, it has taught me to the importance of timing along with why we should respect tradition. Altar serving has also taught me a sense of community by connecting me to members of the church I would not normally seek out. Being an altar server allows me to serve God while serving my church. As a former member of The Dance Centre competitive dance team (2008-2016) I learned that not all people are as they seem. The Dance Centre competitive team was unlike any team I had ever been a part of. The includes girls from various
Encouraging other Pastors has always been a passion of mine. When I was invited to speak at a Pastor’s retreat at a northern Saskatchewan camp about coping with stress, I accepted, offering not my expertise but my own experience of what it was to be a survivor. Older pastors were trained to be available 24/7, and as the demands and nature of ministry changed, many became victims of over-responsibility and high self- expectations. Over the years, pastoral families have experienced the short end of the balance of time between home and parish needs. Much more consideration is now extended to young Pastor both in their training and continuing education in the area of stress management. The retreat was one of those continuing education events. It was a full day with an overnight and a breakfast session.