
Xenophobia In Canada

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Canada is home to the oldest standing democracies of the world and is named as one of the safest places to reside in. Canada had embraced its nationalistic moments under the British Empire during the Battle of Ypres, Vimy Ridge and the Somme in World War 1 and in World War 2. However, these periods also created tensions within Canada, as many foreigners from Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Japan received internment and were racially profiled.
At one extent, I strongly disapprove of xenophobia and other forms of racism towards certain individuals, regardless of their race, religion etc. Developing radical xenophobic thoughts and profiling against “enemy aliens” discourages the multicultural unity in Canada and provokes a vicious cycle. If more xenophobic …show more content…

If I were to strongly choose an argument, I would not protest against the xenophobic thoughts, beliefs and actions, this is to note only if there were an outbreak of xenophobia. If the treatment of foreigners were to be a similar scenario such as WW1 and WW2, I would not support it. I believe that it would be acceptable to fear certain individuals in times of fear and conflict, but the actions towards the “enemy aliens” must be respectful and humanitarian, unlike the actions committed in WW1 and WW2. As much as I disagree on the treatment of individuals based on certain individual’s race, religion, etc., I would not protest the isolation of the targeted groups, so that all individuals may be protected, “enemy aliens” or not. Certain individuals who develop radical xenophobic beliefs may result on the radical actions against “alien enemies”. Therefore, the isolation of the targeted group can prevent this from happening. As much as it is difficult to support one side to it’s entirety due to many factors surrounding it, I decide that I would ultimately not protest against xenophobic thoughts and actions against enemy

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