
Xenia In The Odyssey

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Values are standards of conduct that shape the way an individual behaves. They have been around for centuries, guiding people and their decisions. The book The Odyssey, by Homer and translated by Robert Fitzgerald, talks about many characters and their virtues. The Odyssey is about how Odysseus angers different Gods, which results in his long escapade home after the Trojan War. Odysseus’ trials during his journey home help expand his values and those of his community. Throughout the book, different characters showcase their moral values - or lack thereof - through their actions and words. One value The Odyssey illustrates is techne. Techne is about possessing virtuous skills like stringing a bow or sailing a ship. A few of the characters such …show more content…

Stringing a bow with this amount of strength effortlessly is a hard and technical task. Almost everybody can string a bow, but Odysseus’ bow is so hard to string that none of the suitors can string it. When Odysseus strings his bow and shoots an arrow through the axe heads, he shows technique because no one else can do this skill. Xenia is another virtuous trait from Ancient Greece. It is hospitality and the rituals that go along with it. The main characters that exhibit this value - or lack thereof - are the suitors and the forester. When Odysseus arrived at the forester’s house “The forester now led him to his hut and made a couch for him, with tips of fur piled for a mattress under a wild goat skin, shaggy and thick, his own bed covering". Book XIV, Lines 56 - 59. Xenia is the custom of hospitality that the Greeks lived by. When Odysseus arrives at the Eumauis’ home, Eumauis gives him the clothes off of his back even though he has no idea who Odysseus is. He also makes him a bed with the nicest bedding he owns. Xenia is not always shown in the Odyssey by its characters. But the characters that do not show Xenia are characters that are not portrayed …show more content…

This quote demonstrates sophrosyne because Eumais, Telemakhos, and Odysseus all want the suitors to be dealt with, but Telemakhos is the only one that is thinking clearly and knows that the three of them against 30 suitors with access to weapons will not end with them winning and one of them might even die. Telemakhos at this moment has more sophrosyne than his father, which is impressive because sophrosyne is typically gained by experience. Since sophrosyne is about controlling your emotions, especially strong ones like rage, this quote is a great example of that. After forming this plan, Eumais and Odysseus walk to Odysseus’ manor. No one knows if it is Odysseus because he is dressed as a beggar. As they walk to the manor, the goat herder crosses their path and spits at Odysseus. Odysseus thinks “whether to whirl and beat the life out of this fellow with his stick, or toss him, brain him on the stony ground. Then he controlled himself, and bore it quickly." (Book XVII, Lines 300 - 304). Odysseus used sophrosyne to not kill a man that was disrespecting him. This is very hard for Odysseus because Odysseus loves to show off, but he knows that he also has to stay in control to get his wife and life

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