
Write An Essay On MRSA

Decent Essays

At cellular level the strain of staph targets the body’s white blood cells. Without white blood cells it is harder to fight off infections or diseases. The human body also contains cells called persisters. Persister cells are made of all pathogens and their only job is to survive. These cells do anything they can to survive anything which explains why most antibiotics do not work against MRSA. MRSA is more difficult to treat because the cells do not know how to respond to the antibiotics given to treat it. The bacteria is more likely to come when medicine is given too many times or not used correctly. This makes the bacteria change so that the antibiotics that are given doesn’t make them work.

Staphylococcus was introduced …show more content…

It can either be hospital acquired or community associated. If it is hospital acquired then it has formed due to the bacteria entering the body after a type of surgical procedure. If it is community associated it can spread in a few ways. MRSA can be spread by skin to skin contact. This infection can also spread by touching contaminated objects that are contaminated with the …show more content…

Sometimes medicines are not needed if the case isn’t serious. If the infection needs serious attention, doctors will first cut or drain the infected area and then determine if there is any bacterial resistance to antibiotics. If the bacteria is resistant to any type of antibiotic then the doctor will not prescribe any to the patient.

There are many ways that MRSA can be prevented. The best way to fight off the bacteria that cause this infection is to simply have good hygiene. To prevent this infection you should always wash your hands and use hand sanitizer frequently. Make sure to shower after any kind of physical activity to get rid of the bacteria on your body that appears when you sweat. Also, keep cuts or scrapes covered and cleaned out until they have fully healed and avoid touching anyone else’s open wounds. It is also not a good idea to share personal items like clothes, towels, and razors with other people.


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