
World War II: Similarities Between The New Deal And The Great Society

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The New Deal and World War II, in many ways, were similar to the Great Society and the Vietnam War. They all were crucial events that has molded America into what we know today. The New Deal and the Great Society both provided government intervention to improve social welfare. They provided government subsidized employment programs, such as the New Deal’s 1933 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and LBJ’s Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA). They created programs to support the arts such as the New Deal’s Federal Art Project which came under attack. The head of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) Harry Hopkins, “defended the decision to help support artists by saying, “hell, they’ve got to eat just like other people” (Winkler 100).” Both eras in American history had similar objectives, “for better, the federal government assumed responsibility for national economic planning and for restoring prosperity and ensuring social security – for all” (Shi, 921). The New Deal and World War II, and Great Society and the Vietnam War brought many changes to America. There is no doubt that Lyndon B. Johnson was dedicated to expanding the Roosevelt’s transformations. World War II and …show more content…

“Franklin Roosevelt passed fifteen major bills in his first hundred days (Shi, 1107), Johnson boasted, “he had passed two hundred in the last two years” (Shi, 1107). The country saw wars that brought the country together and ripped the country apart. Both times were pivotal in the growth of the country, but none more than the years of the Great Society and the Vietnam War. Freedom for all was finally realized and rights were expanded to everyone. Cultures were born, and some cultures died. America went through the most extreme change ever, and America would never be the

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