
World War I: Hitler's Assassination

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At the time World War I was known as a great devastation. It had put a great weight on Europe’s Shoulders. A lot of Historians feel that the conflicts from World War I carried to World War II. With the harsh ruling terms and economic and political instability, Adolf Hitler rose to the throne of power.
Adolf Hitler became Reich Chancellor in 1933, and with the great power named himself supreme leader the next year. He was overwhelmed with the idea of control and power, and believed the war was the only solution to receive living space to expand the German race. He signed alliances with Japan and Italy to fight against the Soviet Union. In 1938, he sent troops to battle in Austria and later he took over Czechoslovakia. With the United States and the …show more content…

This agreement was known as the German Soviet Nonaggression Pact. Hitler had had a mission to conquer Poland. If Germany ever tried to attack Poland, Great Britain and France agreed to give military support. The agreement stated that if Hitler invaded Poland, he wouldn’t start a war on the two fronts. It also stated that he would have assistance from the Soviet Union to divide the nation and the countries he took control over. Adolf Hitler attacked Poland on the West Side. Great Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3rd, 1939. World War II had just begun.
On the 17th of September, Soviet troops attacked Eastern Poland. With Poland under attack from both sides, Poland quickly fell to defeat. In the early 1940’s, the two nations divided Poland just as the pact had declared. Soviet union then traveled to attack the Baltic States and also defeated Finland Talk in the media and news declared that the attack on Poland was a phony war. During battle at sea, British and German navies went into a huge battle. More than 100 vessels sunk in the first four months due to lethal German U-boat

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