
World War 2 Research Paper

Decent Essays

World War 2 was one of the most important wars ever fought, because it was fought by many countries, many people were killed, and it shaped the world that we live in today.

During World War 2 millions of people lost their lives fighting in the war, nazi concentration camps, or innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. At the height of the Nazi’s power there were over 22 main concentration camps and 1200 affiliate camps. The first camp was created in 1933 and its main purpose was to house criminals, gypsies, and jews. Some camps were made for the sole purpose of killing large amounts of people quickly. Chelmno was the first death camp established in Poland and was used only to kill the jew of the Lodz ghetto. Jews from the ghetto were taken to the camp where they were stripped of all clothing and belongings. Once they were stripped they were placed in the back of a van where a soldier would gas them. Over 300,000 jews were killed in the four year span that the camp was open. Only three jew were able to …show more content…

It was the first time in history that women had made a huge impact in the war effort. While men went to war, women either went to work in factories or to serve as nurses taking care of injured soldiers. This would later set up women to fight for equality. Miniorites were for the first time able to gain high ranking military positions and in 1948 President Harry Truman desegregated the military. The end of World War 2 left countries fighting over what territory they would gain. Germany was divided into two parts. West Germany which belonged to France, England, and the United States. The other half was given to The Soviet Union and was called East Germany. Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, who had won their independce after World War 1 were erased as countries and given to the Soviet Union. Soon after the Cold War would start setting of a chain of wars and hatred between the worlds most dominate super

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