
World War 2 Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

World War II changed the lives of many Americans overnight. Men, women, children, everyone was impacted by it in one way or another. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Imperial Japanese, the United States made the decision to enter World War II and fight back. World War II gave those who were discriminated against better opportunities. World War II impacted many Americans especially Latinos, African Americans, and women. Even though they were all discriminated against equally before World War II, during World War II Latinos and African Americans had a more positive experience than women. During World War II, the US had a lot of work to get done and not many people to do it, so they turned to Mexican Americans of all ages to help. Companies like Douglas Aircrafts Co. made employment advertisements seeking help from many Mexican Americans to apply for jobs. ¨Tambien se necesita de usted¨ which translates to ¨you are also needed¨ was written on one of the advertisements (Document M). …show more content…

They had to work what was called the “double shift”. During the day they worked helping the war and at night they took care of cleaning the house, doing laundry, and other house work. Because of this many mothers were criticized and blamed by others for the rise in child delinquency. The mothers were doing everything they could and still were called bad mothers (Document G). After World War II ended, all the opportunities for women went away because the men returned from war. They had to quit their jobs and return to their house duties so that the men could be employed again. As Myron A. Marty stated in Daily life in the United states, “women assumed roles that were just as restricted as before” (Document I). Women, after a couple months of freedom, went back to how they lived before the war. Women had no right, no say, no freedom. They were just treated like objects. Women worked hard to help and support but were never

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