
World War 1 Impact

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Assess the impact of World War I on the the tsarist regime.

World War I played a crucial role in the downfall of Nicholas II and his regime. The lack of planning and ill-prepared armies, as well as, inflation and hardships for the people of Russia all contributed to the toppling of the Tsarist regime.

Russia was not prepared financially for the liabilities of war and lacked equipment and supplies that were required to successfully engage their enemy. The monarchy was temporarily strengthened, with Russia alliancing with France and Britain to fight their common enemy, Germany and Austria-Hungary. It appeared that this war would reinforce the Romanov empire, however, when Nicholas II made the decision to become commander-in-chief of the Russian …show more content…

Nicholas II decided to ban alcohol for the duration of the war which consequently lost the government 33 percent of its tax revenue. By 1916, the war alone was costing nearly five times the 1913 budget allowance. The poor railway network created difficulties transporting supplies to the battlefront and the home front. The loss of animals and fifteen million men mobilised from villages disrupted food production and food for the army took precedence over food supply for the city dwellers. For the people of Russia, the war created immense hardships for day to day life. Living standards declined, with wage increases averaged at 100 percent. Furthermore, the prices of basic needs were doubled due to inflation, and as much as five times higher than pre-war costs. The cost of flour doubled and price of meat tripled between 1914 and 1916. Banks began holding grain as they forecasted more inflation. Additionally, city dwellers struggled continually to withstand malnutrition and unsanitary living conditions due to price increases averaging 300 percent and with coal, wood and grain in short supply. Due to the discontent in the cities, strike activity rose, with 268 strikes in January and February of 1917. Moreover, the strains that were placed on the economy were once again blamed on Nicholas, as he was in command of the army as well as the government. His failure to provide sufficient planning for the war was major factor that played a vital role in the downfall of his regime.

Overall, the hardships of World War I on Russia and its people due to poor economic and logistical planning for the war, resulted in increased resentment towards the Tsarist regime which would eventually evolve into massive instability and Nicholas’

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