
World War 1 Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

Throughout the course of history, World War 1 was known as one of the worst wars out of all the wars. Though it was one of the worst, the United States had contributed to the Allied war effort during WW1. The United States had contributed to the Allied war with plenty of men, weaponry, ammunitions, machinery, and also providing a major moral boost for the men who were already engaged in the battle. America had also played an important role that had determined the outcome of this major conflict.

During the war, the United States, along with the citizens had contributed to the Allied war effort during WW1. In Document 1, it gives a short section from the book The Myth of the Great War, written by John Mosier, a military historian. The section …show more content…

Both Documents 2 and 3 could give not just an explanation but also an image on what we had sent in order to help. Document 2 states, Within a year they have adopted, raised, armed, equipped, and sent to France several hundred thousand men, and all of this is only the beginning.”, while Document 3 shows us an image of American ships arriving in France with thousands and thousands of men boarded on them. These two documents together, form a clear statement and visual on what we know as what had been sent to France and what France were very grateful for. General Henri Pétain, along with the other French soldiers, greatly appreciated the effort that America has put in to help them through this …show more content…

The help of the United States was the determination on how the war was going to go for the Allies. With the U.S.’s help, the Allies (Britain, France, and the U.S.), were able to come together to defeat the Central Powers. Document 5 was a journal entry written by Corporal Elmer Sherwood, on September 12, 1918 describing the sequence of events in the American offensive and how their victory represented great progress for the Allies. Document 5 says, “Our artillery fire in the first place demoralized enemy resistance, and the Boche [Germans] are surrendering in droves...In the air we are supreme...This time the tables are turned. We see our aviators flying over the retreating enemy, dropping bombs and creating havoc.”. This victory represented progress for the Allies because it shows that they are becoming stronger and more resourceful. Meaning that they are starting to become more capable of defeating other enemies. Leading them to successful victories such as this

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