
Working At Mcdonalds : A High School Student Essay

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Work teaches
With prom, school sports and other fun trips high school has to offer, paying for all these actives may not be ideal for the parent of these high school students. Getting a job can be an option for high school students to help the student and parent with these experiences that are coming. Amitai Etzioni the author of “Working at McDonalds” makes it clear, high school students with part time jobs does not do anything for the high school student. Amitai Eztioni believes these part time job dies not teach true stills a high school student will need in the future. Even though Amitai Etzioni strongly consider part time jobs have no long life value, part time jobs do prepare high school students develop job skills for their future because learn to maintain priorities , student learn the value of money , and develop life skills.
In high school, students are at the age where their priorities is all about them and their whole world involves them, themselves and may be friends. To say the least their priorities are not well established or correct if they have any. When the student gets a part time job, like at a fast food restaurant it helps put their priorities straight. The students start to realize in order to make the money they need to pay for what they want, they need to make time adjustment and make real priorities. Students will learn that in order to have this job they will need to work during the weekends since school during the week day. Working they will

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