
Work-Related Injury: A Case Study

Decent Essays

DOI: 10/12/2011. The patient is a 53 -year-old female laborer who sustained a work-related injury to her low back and left elbow when she slipped on cardboard.
According to the orthopedic QME on 7/9/13, future medical care includes inflammation medicine, occasional pain medication, muscle relaxants, occasional injections, left shoulder surgery, physical therapy and occasional orthopedic doctor visit. Additional physical therapy has been included in the patient’s future medical care on 11/6/14 evaluation.

Based on progress report dated 08/06/15, the patient complains of increasing low back and right lower extremity pain. Pain is rated as 6/10 with medications and 10/10 without medications.
The numbness has increased. She is now experiencing numbness in the pelvic floor and bilateral anterior thighs. She complains of weakness in her right leg. She has difficulty with walking and standing. She has been experiencing bowel and bladder incontinence. …show more content…

Unfortunately, the epidural injection also increased her blood sugars significantly. The patient reports history of a single treatment of acupuncture, which she found beneficial.
MRI of the lumbar spine done on 07/09/15 revealed at L2-L3, there is a 2 mm right foramen disc protrusion with right neuroforaminal narrowing. At L3-L4, 3 mm disc bulge is noted with borderline right neuroforaminal narrowing. At L4-L5, 2 to 3 mm disc bulge is seen with central stenosis on bilateral neuroforaminal narrowing, left greater than right. At L5-S 1, 3 mm broad base disc bulge bilateral facet arthrosis is noted with bilateral neuroforaminal

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