Work-life balance is one of the struggles every person faces in their life, especially in the restaurant industry. No matter the circumstances, one is always taking over the other. I have seen this type of struggle first hand while working for the restaurant, Surf Taco over the past decade. This type of balance signifies the point to which an employee balances work time and free time. Since the restaurant industry requires chefs, servers, and mangers to work around grueling hours while maintaining relationships outside of the restaurant, people tend to lose sleep, constantly stress, lose energy levels, and stop caring about the work they once took pleasure in doing. This struggle is not good for restaurant owners either. The consequences …show more content…
According to Nanette Fondas (2014), “seven out of ten American workers struggle to achieve an acceptable balance between work and family life, reports a new study published in American Sociological Review, funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Fondas). Introduction: Everybody wants to succeed in all aspects of their life, but the lack of work-life balance in the restaurant industry can affect more than just the employees. This can affect one’s relationships: family and friends, co-workers, and bosses. An unbalanced life makes one’s family feel that they are subsequent to work. Employees working in the restaurant industry have been known to miss important family events, outings, and more. Families and friends feel the sadness of not seeing their loved ones and begin to dislike the restaurant themselves. They also feel a source of stress resulting from conflicting pressure from work and family spheres. Work-life balance can affect co-workers in the restaurant industry because it requires people to have to work together. When one worker is disengaged, tired, and not putting in the effort, it puts pressure on their co-worker(s) to step up and perform double the work; which in turn puts stress on their relationship. Bosses often feel the same work-life balance issues as the employees, but they do not know how to help their employees because they cannot help themselves.
Americans that work too many long shifts affect the lives of the people around them too. For instance, one statistic from a Family Matters Survey done by The National Partnership for Women & Families in 1998 found that, “70% of working fathers and working mothers report they don’t have enough time for their children”.Another statistic from this survey reported that over 80% of Americans found it diffcult to balance their work life and their personal life. In fact, it is estimated that around 11 million children age 5 and under spend time in a form child care facility every week(Child Care Aware of America). It is also estimated that children whose
Some people may not get to see their family as often as they want to because of the struggle to balance both family and work. These articles, “Double Daddy” by Penny Parkers, “Diary of a Mad Blender: A Week of Managing Every Spare Minute” by Sue Shellenbarger, and “The Child’s view of Working Parents” by Cora Daniels and Ellen Galinksy, are all based on facts about balancing work and family. Balancing responsibilities, goals, and a personal life is a struggle for many people, but the most important priorities in life, such as family, should not be neglected. Work time can get in the way of family time. In Penny Parkers article, “Double Daddy”, she writes, “These men are saying, ‘I’m working my tail off to get ahead, for the most
Everyone has been told from one time or another – don’t bring your personal life to work, and vice-versa. Easier said than done. In our current economy, families are having to work harder, and longer thus leaving less time for family and creating stress and anxiety. One thing that has statistically shown why people are stressed at work and home – the instability of work-life balance. This paper exemplifies the barriers and measures one can take to secure the balance.
Ms. Isabel Rimanoczy made great points in this article. Though some may view her as a work body, she and I share a mutual understanding when it comes to work-life balance. Ms. Rimanoczy is not buying the idea that there is some sort of balance between the two aspects of our lives. “Work-life balance is dead” and it may be a good thing” (Rimanoczy, 2015). I agree with her statement because if anyone takes the time to think about it, they will soon come to terms with the idea that it really becomes impossible to separate work and personal life. Some of us grow up with moral values, standards, and family traditions carried on through religious beliefs. When we go to work we will bring along our character because our personal life defines us as
Barnes took a lot of heat when she stepped down from Pepsi-Cola to raise her children. However, She believed that “Today’s business world calls for a flexible environment that provides opportunity for work-life balance. It empowers employees to do their work on a schedule that works for them” (Finn, 2010). This environment requires diversity of
It is imperative that the employee can balance his/her working life against his/her personal life. With sufficient time off and rest periods, employees will feel “looked after” and be motivated to put in more effort. There will be a reduction of mistakes because the employee has had adequate rest which results in a more positive working environment. Employers who introduce such practices in the work place in order to help employees achieve a better and satisfactory work/life balance can expect to see an increase in motivation, enhanced performance/productivity and greater staff loyalty. By implementing a positive work/life balance, companies are successful, secure a good reputation and promote positive employee relations. The Working Time Regulations 1998 stipulates that employers should provide employees with the following basic rights:
Work-life balance has been a popular topic for employees across all age and occupations for years, representing a rising concern of contemporary human resource management and labor policies. This topic has attracted the attention from the millennium generation, who is stepping into the market and beginning to grow a career. Therefore considering the increasing demand, well-designed workforce planning with diverse scheduling options offered to employees appears to be extra credits for most companies. This research paper aims to communicate the positive effects of four-day workweek, and providing support for why employers should adopt this schedule for employees and themselves through 1) introducing background and history of four-day workweek as a work schedule option and 2) demonstrating benefits of four-day workweek from both employer and employees’ perspectives.
Thirty-eight percent of Americans report some tension between their work and home lives. Today’s highly publicized work/life balance conflicts are multiple, and their nature differs significantly depending on the jobs individuals have and on their family situations. Tensions between work and family life clearly have implications for the well-being of individuals and their children and ramifications for society in general. Yet because the personal needs, desires, motivations, and economic circumstances of Americans are so varied, there appears to be no single way to resolve these tensions, no universal best practices with regard to work/life balance. For example,
Growing up in a family that owns a business is no easy task. Between the odd hours and time spent running the restaurant, there is a large time commitment. This incorporates maintenance work, bookwork, and the regular restaurant staff positions. The busiest days of the week are Fridays and Saturdays; while most people have time off of work on the weekend, my family works until 10:30 at night. However, this experience has left me with three beneficial values and skills: work ethics, independence, and social skills.
By applying Chaffee’s five steps of problem solving to my own problem, I see that there are many helpful tools and options that can help me achieve my goal of a better work/life balance. I need to take the time to look over each obstacle that stands in my way, and find a solution that gives the proper attention to each priority in my family. I am hopeful that I will be able to put together an effective plan of action and create a more ideal work/life
When it comes to family, it’s not as easy to make sacrifices. This is not to imply that women can’t have careers and families and be effective, it’s simply making note of the challenges faced when choosing this path. “Yet every study so far has shown us to be less effective when attempting to multitask. Even when our subjective impression is of having accomplished more in less time, in reality we get less done, we do it with less accuracy and depth, and we remember less about it later. Doing more at once robs all our activities of the attention they deserve -- and the experience we deserve” (Rushkoff). Finding balance is the only answer if women are to continue being a part of the workforce. No one can have it all without there being obstacles along the way. While maintaining family, careers, and home where does self-priority fit? We’ve read the countless arguments in support and opposition of women having it all, and surely the debate will continue. At what expense if any does it cost to have it all? Maintaining careers, family, homes, and self-care calls for more than one working and pitching in on the day to day operations. Come up with a plan that works and execute it to accomplish all that you desire. Everyone’s definition of “All” will very well be different, define your “All” and strive to have
When working in an organisation it is important to maintain a work-life balance. This means that you are able to separate work life from your home life. It is important when working in an organisation to put in as much effort as possible into your role and to achieve goals that you have set yourself to impress employers and earn personal satisfaction. When you are in a work place for long periods of time it can be hard to shut off emotions that you are feeling at work ready for when you go home this means that when you go home sometimes you may still feel as though you are still at work, even if you enjoy your job this can be hard to deal with and can become too much for some people to handle. Not being able to maintain a work-life balance can leave people feeling upset and in some cases could cause depression.
· Balance - "Management's recognition of the importance of personal and family life remains the top driver of employee loyalty. Employees who spend a moderate amount of time each week attending to personal matters while at work have a higher level of commitment to their employer than those who spend no time." (America @ Work 1999," Aon Consulting, Chicago, Illinois; 312.701.4844) Employers who provide a work/life/family balance
In the case brought to us in the text, it gave us two examples of employees seeking work life balance. The first example is a man that has risen in the ranks at his company. Instead of having less working as he had thought, he faced much longer work hours with very little time with his family. In the second example a woman is looking at changing companies and in her negotiations she negotiates items such as a flexible work schedule. Although this option works well for the women it does not work for every employee.
Maintaining a balance between ones work life and family life is very difficult, even by modern standards. People now are working longer hours and have less time to spend with their families. This type of mentality can be