
Work Ethic Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I come from a family where hard work and dedication runs through our veins like ants out of an infringed ant hill. From birth, both my mother and father have instilled in me the importance of getting a sound education while maintaining a positive relationship with my family, my peers, and with God. It was under the leadership and guidance of my parents that I untapped my thrill for learning and sought to go beyond any stereotypes or labels I was given. Overall, I consider myself to be an academically sound individual. Throughout my career as a student at Monroe High School, I have made an effort to exhibit a sustained, unrelenting work ethic. Beginning with my freshman year in high school, I have strived for perfection in all my classes. Now, as a senior, who has learned the stress that comes with taking two to three honors and or Advanced Placement courses at one time, I am proud to say that my hard work has not gone to waste. I am currently ranked as the number one academically performing student in my graduating class, with a 4.79 weighted grade point …show more content…

First off, my top priority for attending college is to depart with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting. I do not wish to merely earn my degree by passing with the minimum requirements, but I want to exit college in the same manner that I will be exiting high school, leaving a permanent impression. While in college, I do not want my education to be restricted to the classroom, but I want my education to extend to internships, conferences, and banquets where I can learn more about the field of accounting from those who thrive in that environment daily. I plan to make the most of my education, to utilize all my resources, and most importantly to take advantage of all the opportunities I am presented with to ensure my

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