
Work Effectively with Others

Decent Essays

BSBWOR203B – Work effectively with others

Assessment Activity 1:



Situation | Support action | A member of your team has been askedto give a presentation at a conferencenext week and they are very nervousabout speaking in public. | Suggest the member practices in front of colleagues or friends they are comfortable around, give them words of support to build their confidence. | Your team leader needs someone to takeover collating and mailing out thenewsletter because someone else in yourteam is sick. | If you are free, put your hand up to help out if you think you are suitable for and understand the role. | A colleague does not understand how touse a new software program. | Offer to help where you can. Encourage …show more content…

Give them positive feedback, reaffirming what they did well. Then give them constructive feedback so they know where and how they can improve. If they still don’t feel completely comfortable with their knowledge and skills, suggest they go through some retraining.

1. Money restraints;
Money restraints can affect any workplace. Funds are initially needed to get any venture off the ground. Any successful business needs to be taking in more money then it

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