
Wool Sock Vs Cattle Socks

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The biggest complaint about wool socks it that they are itchy. So, for me to tell you that I can prove wool socks are better to wear than cotton socks all year long is considered by most as nonsense. Yet, that is exactly what I am going to prove to you. Wool socks are the perfect pick to wear all year long because wool can regulate the temperature around your foot, remove moister away from your skin, and is an antimicrobial breathable material that prevents bacteria from growing. Let us begin with what we know.
Most of us were raised wearing cotton socks and don’t know much about wool other than it is a winter sock that is warm, dark, and itchy. Yet, now days, there are a variety of kinds of wool available for making socks like, alpaca wool, angora wool, llama wool, merino wool, mongolian camel wool, and cashmere wool, as well as wool blends to accomplish desired softness for your feet. If you took note of the names of the different wools, you would have seen that wool is not limited to sheep. It includes goats and rabbits and llamas. This is because the wool fibers in each different animal vary in size. The smaller the wool …show more content…

But how the wool is designed by nature reveals the answer to why wool sock are better than a cotton sock all year long. See, wool has crimps in it. Crimps are, “the number of bends per unit length along the wool fibre.” (2) The best wool has 100 crimps in the fiber that lay across each other, creating air pockets that trap in body heat to keep you warm. Yet, at the same time it pulls moisture away from your skin to keep it dry,” The amount of moisture wool can absorb is “almost one-third of its own weight in water, while retaining 80% of its insulation ability.” (2) As the wool pulls the moisture away of your skin, the wool allows for ventilation and evaporation of the perspiration cooling your feet. Whereas cotton does not pull off water from your skin leaving your feet wet from

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