
History Of The Women's Suffrage Movement

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Back in the mid 1800’s the first women’s convention was initiated by Elizabeth Stanton, along with others who founded the Women’s Suffrage Movement. After attending an World Anti-Slavery Society meeting, where the women were required to sit is a separate area away from the men, the women decided that they were little better than slaves and decided to do something about it. (Pearson, 2017) The first women’s right convention was held in Seneca Falls, NY with about 300 attendees which include women and men, such as Frederick Douglas. Whereas the agenda was clear to abolition all social, economic, and legal discrimination against women. Numerous resolutions were passed which concerned contemporary moral codes, divorce, and criminal laws. In addition, …show more content…

Anthony established the National Women’s Suffrage Association (NWSA) pushed for maximum wage and hour laws for women. To illustrate, the women’s movement transformed into the Suffrage Movement and continued to advocate for women’s rights and better living conditions for women. Furthermore by 1917, the movement was more than 2 million members strong, and finally in 1920 with the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, the right to vote for women was secured. The statistics of women voting after the amendment was passed, was considered low in comparison to the voting of men, however, today more women vote then men in the United States. Elizabeth Stanton was an amazing woman and historical figure, who demonstrates what it takes to get a law passed in the United States Government. Elizabeth along with many other women laid the ground work for the women’s movement by organizing the Woman’s Suffrage Movement. The power and influence of these tremendous women grew for many years, and transformed into the National Women’s Suffrage Association (NWSA). Sadly, Elizabeth was not able to exercise her right to vote in her lifetime, nevertheless, the contributions that she made to the women’s movement will be recognized in history

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