
Women's Suffrage Dbq

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At one point women were dependent on men and this would change, women would become more independent when they gained their right to vote and men wouldn't control everything.
What were some reasons women wanted the right to vote? In the 19th century Women’s Voting Rights began when male suffrage extended in many countries. African American men achieved their voting rights before the women. Many people looked at this as sexist towards the women. After this amendment women became more determined to achieve their rights and started movements towards Women Suffrage. Many men and women tried preventing the process of Women Rights. Yet women who believed in their own rights didn’t give up hope to one day have the same rights as any other individual. …show more content…

Who were the main people involved? Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott initiated the first Women's Suffrage Movement, July 19, 1848 at Seneca Falls Convention, New York. At this convention Elizabeth Cady Stanton echoed the preamble of the Declaration Of Independence. “ We hold these truths to be self- evident: that all men and women are created equally.” Proving that when we declared our independence it was for everyone not just men. In 1866, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony formed an American Equal Rights Association. The Association was dedicated to the suffrage goals regardless of race or gender. Lucy Stone fought about the 15th Amendment, Ratified in 1870, and that the Amendment states that, “ The right of citizens to vote shall not be denied on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.Many of the women involved in suffrage began political work in the antislavery

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