
Women's Roles In Romeo And Juliet

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In the fifteenth century women's roles were seen as weak, and as individuals that needed to be watched over by men.A woman was considered a blessing from the god by not spoken by name. We see the likeness in regard to women’s roles in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet..

In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet there are specific names that women were supposed to be addressed by their jobs or spouse's last name.Through the passage the only female that is expressed by their given name is Juliet. Her name was revealed through a poetry that Romeo was quoted by he was focusing on courting her. Juliet was also the only one that did not fall into the cultural norm of her time.Which was basically nothing compared to the rest of the character, but in the story a single word that she said had more …show more content…

Juliet would have more respect if she married ,Tybalt, the person that her parents wanted to marry her off to. Capulet shows more respect to Tybalt then his own daughter just because she is not interested in Tybalt .In act 3 scene 5 it states, “And you be not,hang, beg, starve die in the street, For by my soul, I’ll ne’er acknowledge thee” (888) .Capulet was so harsh ,but he was trying to fit in with his time ; he had to live in a social time where marrying off your daughter to someone powerful was the key to statues.He believes that love could be learned but to Juliet she did not learn that when she was young they did not have a standard. Capulet taught that she would make his wishes like a “normal” female at that time and follow her father's wishes. Capulet does not know that she already when against her wishes and married ,but the problem is that it was an enemy of the house. This action contradicts the role that she was committed to the family but now her spouse is the only one that protects her. The world had other plans. In this story Juliet is contradicting most of the basic roles of her

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