
Women's Rights In The 20th Century

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One of the most significant movement in U.S history was the woman's rights movement during the 20th century. Without this movement society today would have changed drastically and life would never been the same. Oppression of equal opportunity for woman led the movement, men at that time were treated to be superior than a woman. Before World War ll women's role in society to settle down, start a family, and become homemaker while taking care of the children. Even with the life everyone woman was expected to have, it seemed as if they were missing something. Despite this overall feeling, propaganda suggested otherwise, again emphasizing the role of woman in the household, and men being superior. Although once the war began, all that changed, and society would forever change for the better. When the majority of the men were sent to war, woman took the men's jobs in factories to aid the effort. Together they built dangerous weapons to help win the war, yet as soon as the war was over woman were stripped of their jobs, and opportunity. After the Cold War, woman only hired for minimal jobs, such as secretarial work or stewardess. These were distractions for women so they would have to be content with their life, but still woman wanted more. The jobs …show more content…

The first organization of equal gender rights was assembled named N.O.W (National Organization of Woman). The a widely read book was published called, The Feminine Mystique opened women's eyes to the truth behind the unequal opportunity in the workplace. Not to mention, it detailed the nationwide feeling of emptiness that being only homemaker had caused with actual personal accounts. Finally with a huge amount the of publicity, when the civil rights act was passed in 1963, gender discrimination was added. The only problem was that the added material was never really taken seriously, woman still had a long way to

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