
Women's Right to Vote

Good Essays

Women's Right to Vote Cover Letter ONE: My purpose in writing this essay in one sense is a reminder to myself and to anyone reading it that among the lesser known and yet enormously impactful injustices of the U.S. is the fact that it took 144 years from the time of the Declaration of Independence to 1920 when the 19th Amendment to the Constitution was put in place. In those 144 years there were august debates about freed slaves' rights to vote; and of course there was a bloody war over states' rights. But women's voting rights were shoved under the rug until there was sufficient agitating and organizing by people like Susan Anthony and Lillie Blake, who worked "for twenty years to have policewomen hired in New York City" and then battled for more years for policewomen to receive fair pay and benefits (Farrell, 2006, p. 49). This was educational for me. TWO: I learned about the intelligent and strategically brilliant efforts of Lillie Devereux Blake, whom I had never heard of. Her sense of how to slowly make social changes (Civil War nurses being paid pensions; lobbying for women's rights to serve on school boards) was tactically brilliant. Also, I had forgotten that there were sharp divisions within the suffrage movement, and that leaders like Anthony and Blake had a very strained relationship. THREE: I really didn't have any difficulties in preparing this essay, except perhaps what to put in and what to leave out. FOUR: I enjoyed the Anthony speech, imagining

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