
Women Peacemaking

Decent Essays

In this week’s readings I noticed a mention about the notion of women as “natural” peacemakers, which I took an interest in. In a previous class, we talked about masculinities and how gender specific characteristics can affect the peacebuilding process in different ways. In the journal, Women and the Art of Peacemaking, I read that there were Israeli-Palestinian workshops held that focused on changes in the political activity between men and women. I found it interesting because it mentioned how the genders approached problem solving in different ways and were often based off a “social psychological understanding of the dynamics of international conflict.” This meant that individuals are able to see the potential for change but it is often …show more content…

With this being said, I noticed a connection to this content when reading The Moral Imagination. I read how critical mass was the name for a strategy of having large numbers of individuals to effect a desired change. But, in order to sustain peace, the critical yeast mentions that it is not the amount of people but the “quality of relational spaces, intersections, and interactions that affect a social process beyond the numbers involved.” This reminded me of the women in the peace talks because even though they are small in numbers, they have interactions with a higher value since they know how to express their views through communication and while considering others perspective of the situation. With this being said, I learned that these are some of the principals needed in order to have more effective peace building practices and to create more change through compromises that are able to satisfies both sides of the

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