
Women Objectification By Jennifer Aniston

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The issue of women objectification in media has gained a new meaning when Jennifer Aniston wrote her essay which was provoked by the news about her possible pregnancy. She appealed the mass media claiming that they should stop writing about women body and appearance. In this sense, the "objectification" mean "sexual objectification". By itself, the objectification does not only apply to women, and it is not just about appearance. For example, the employee is also an object, as he/she seeks to sell his/her work, and employers choose which workers are more profitable to rent. Basically, the word "objectification" is used only in relation to advertising that is not quite right. This phenomenon is quite extensive, and if try to enumerate all …show more content…

Theorists/or feminism talking about the phenomenon of self-objectification. Roughly speaking, it is when women begin to follow the rules of the Patriarchal world, accept the fact that their beauty is a resource, and used it consciously and intentionally: dress up openly, achieve something with the help of flirt, or just put a lot of money, time and effort to "improve" the appearance and to get the approval. Make a note: this does not mean that any action to change the appearance are self-objectification. Given the realities of the world in which self-objectification people live, to condemn them means absolutely nothing – they just behave as they are …show more content…

Of course, it is often accompanied by low self-esteem (and problems provoked by that), eating disorders, not always successful plastic surgery and a lot of wasted effort, money, and time. Even it is called self-objectification, it is clear that some subjectivity remains in man always. It turns out, that in the man with self-objectification there simultaneously aligned the self-awareness as the subject, and the acceptance of the role of the object. It happens like this: a person realizes that he/she has a function (for example, cooking, or emotional support); understands that there are people who need it; and does it for them to get an approval or to receive some bonuses – without any internal motivation. The actions with the internal and external motivation may not be different outwardly, but in fact this is a huge difference between self-objectification and action for yourself. For example, there are two girls sunbathing topless on the beach. One of them doing it knowing that her appear is attractive to others and she will get their approval, when the second do that because she wants an even tan or something

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