
Women, Men And Politeness Analysis

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In her book Women, Men, and Politeness (2013), Holmes analyzes the differences in politeness between men and women when it comes to each gender’s use of language. According to Holmes (2013), apologies are perceived as negative politeness devices used in order to restore social relations after an act of wrongdoing. This applies to the genderlect theory because of the difference in styles of men and women’s language. The theory suggests that women presume a relational approach in which they seek to interact with others while men use more of an instrumental approach to get things done. In an effort to talk to get things done, men tend to use more formal politeness strategies as illustrated in the following example in Women, Men, and Politeness: (11) Ken has taken a colleague out for lunch. I must apologise for the lousy service here. They’re not usually this bad. But the food’s pretty good you see. (p. 162) Women, by contrast, use strategies that focus more on re-establishing social harmony. (14) Elizabeth interrupted her friend. Sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt you. (p. 163) …show more content…

In order to apply Holmes’ analyses to the Pantene ad, the different acts of women apologizing in the video can be examined. Women desire a sense of community and thus want to maintain relationships. In the last scenario, a man and woman are talking and the woman interrupts him in the middle of a sentence so she instantly apologizes. Similar to Holmes’ example, the ad depicts this situation to show how instantaneously women recognize and fix their offence for something that occurs in everyday situations. This correlates with the idea that women interact with others in order to avoid conflict as much as possible. Therefore, Tannen’s genderlect theory is supported in the Pantene

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