
Cultural Product Analysis: Men And Women Magazine

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Cultural Product Analysis: Men and Women Magazines Comparison
For many years, men and women have been inspired by the magazines they read. One way or another both genders are influenced by the magazines they choose to read and get inspiration from. Whether some of us realized it or not, magazines have a way of changing how we see things either by heat wise or just by showing us what kind of body images we should persuade. Many people who read magazines whether by copy or online come across different advertisements in magazines that are being presented to either inspire the person or make them question their body image, life choices, or the state of their health. Men and women magazine advertisements are very different, they present different …show more content…

There is a possibility that magazine advertisements are doing more harm to society than good, women magazines like Glamour and Cosmopolitan for many years feature stories and models that are negatively influencing women. Umi Khattab claims that "As argued by social constructivists, advertisers draw on signs and their associated meaning in order to construct a pre-determined identity that is deemed suitable for the target audience and the product being sold to them. Women are not being sold cosmetics or clothing, they are being sold a constructed identity based upon the desires and values of an assumedly mainstream national-global audience." (Khattab 11). When some women read the women magazines they tend to compare themselves to the thin models who are usually featured in the magazines, some of the body image issues that many women and girls suffer from are due to the comparison they make when they read magazines that is about losing too much weight to be thin. While most times women magazines focuses on how to apply makeup and what kind of make-up to avoid or buy, in men's magazines especially the ESPN magazines, the focus on those magazines does not certain around how men should dress, wear make-up probably, or how to …show more content…

The women magazines Glamour or Cosmopolitan do not show any messages that indicate power that women have or should consider having, these magazines are all about fashion looks, relationships, hair styles and how to lose weight. The magazines do not encourage women or girls to be powerful, strong, or independent and it does not even teach women to feel okay with being their true selves. Looking through the magazines on both genders is hard to see whether there is gender stereotyping or not, since the magazines focus on sending messages to readers that are either positive or

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