
Women In The House On Mango Street

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In Sandra Cisneros’ The House on Mango Street, Cisneros’ captures “the image of the Chicana who needs to create her own path, not only within her culture and society, but also in Chicano fiction” (Martinez 1). This book is not like an ordinary novel, as it is “a loose-knit series of lyrical reflections, her (Esperanza’s) struggle with self identity and the search for self-respect amidst an alienating and often hostile world” (De Valdes). The men and women in Esperanza’s life play drastically different roles from each other, which tells the reader about Esperanza’s Mexican culture. Additionally, by the way women are depicted in The House on Mango Street, the reader can see that there are a great amount of expectations for Mexican women. Esperanza “is a young girl surrounded by examples of abused, defeated, worn-out women” (De Valdes). On Mango street, most of the women experience a lack of freedom, compared to their husbands who are free to do whatever they please. Women are commonly left to “stare out of windows, locked indoors waiting for their spouses to return or for something to happen” (Martinez 1). Esperanza’s own great-grandmother “looked out the window her whole life, the way so many women sit their sadness on their elbow” (Cisneros 11). In addition, “Rafaela, who is still young but getting old from leaning out the window so much, gets …show more content…

“They were always waiting for a car to stop, a star to fall, someone to change her (their) life” (Cisneros 27). Esperanza’s mother claims to her daughter that, “I (she) could’ve been somebody, you know?” (Doyle). But, could she really have been somebody even if she tried? Would she have been able to surpass society’s strict expectations and chase her dreams? Even though many women desired to break out of these expectations, many learned to not protest their specific roles, even if they didn’t necessarily agree with

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