
Women In The 1930's Rebecca

Decent Essays

The Great Depression devastated millions of people nationwide in the 1930’s. Nobody escaped the suffering that went along with the Great Depression; especially women. Women were considered more as house maids than capable human beings. The only job men thought women to be capable of was to raise their children and clean their house as they went off to work and made money. Women and men’s roles varied greatly in the 1930’s. The expectancies for both genders were very different. Rebecca was set in this time period and follows along with how women were treated during this time. The characters in Rebecca are justified in their actions and reactions throughout the book due to the societal norms of the time period. Women in the 30’s were still being taken advantage of by men at this time. Women were to stay at home …show more content…

Those in the upper class however did not have to work as hard as those in the lower class. All men, from all different classes of people, treated their women the same. Men did not like to give women the credit that they deserved. They also liked to be in charge of them twentyfour-seven. Maxim is no exception to any of these stereotypical norms of the time period. Maxim was born into money and never really had to do any hard work, most things he has were inherited and handed down to him from his parents. Maxim likes to be in control of his wife as well. His first wife Rebecca was out of control. Maxim got sick and tired of having to constantly tell her what to do that his solution was to murder her. When Maxim married the narrator she was still very young compared to him so she had quite a bit of growing up to do. In Maxim’s mind everything the narrator did was wrong to him and made him realize just how young she was. Because of this Maxim very rarely gave his wife the credit for anything she did because he believed her to be too young to do any

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