
Women In Shamhat's The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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The epic of Gilgamesh is a tale about Gilgamesh who was the king of Uruk, and lived in between a time period of 2750 BCE. In the introduction of the epic it is explained that Gilgamesh was considered to be two thirds god and one third human. Also it stated that Gilgamesh is seen as a hero or the all mighty powerful even though he rapes any woman he desires and over powers any woman to his will. Throughout the novel the acts of the men in the story highlight the notion that women in ancient times were treated as property and thus were owned, controlled, and dominated by men. The epic is composed of numerous situations, which denote that men, especially Gilgamesh were awarded much more power in comparison to women. The quotation; “Neither the …show more content…

The epic further exposes that women did not have the authority to rebel against the sexual advances that were made towards them especially by Gilgamesh who expected them to comply and at times even utilized force. In this manner women lacked freedom of choice and control in regard to their own body and sexuality and were expected to obey the orders of men along with assuming a submissive position. One of the few times the power of women is shown is by Shamhat who plays the important role of temple prostitute whose purpose in the epic was to make Enkidu civilized by simply have intercourse with Enkidu. This act Shamhat does to make Enkidu civil is a very important act in the whole story of Gilgamesh since rest of the story was not possible unless Shamhat used her power of sexual beauty. Which shows some power while play out during the epic but Enkidu forgets her about until he is near his death and curses her for the role she played during his life. (Does this for a little time until god talks to him.) As shown by the quote “As for the harlot who brought me to the city / this is the curse of Enkidu against her: / May the garbage of …show more content…

Gilgamesh meets the tavern keeper while looking for the means to gain immortality. She locks the doors so Gilgamesh cant get in which leads him to explain why he is on the journey of finding immortality. Then Shiduri explains to him “Who is the mortal who can live forever? / The life of man is short. Only the gods / can live forever. Therefore put on new clothes, / a clean robe and a cloak tied with a sash” (Gilgamesh 57). Shiduri is basically informing Gilgamesh to stop being on the quest for the impossible but instead enjoy and live his life to the fullest. Shiduri is giving knowledge to Gilgamesh, which he ignores and continues, and his journey. This power of wisdom is wasted since it has no impact on Gilgamesh or the epic

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