
Women In Romeo And Juliet

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The female costumes accurately show how love is nonexistent in the play because it shows how women were truly portrayed during the time. By revealing the true view on women, it is clear that Romeo and Juliet fall in love because of physical attraction rather than true love. In the first dialogue of Romeo and Juliet, Samson says the following: ‘Tis true, and therefore women, being the Weaker vessels, are ever thrust to the wall; therefore I will push Montague’s men from the wall and thrust His maids to the wall. (I.i.14-17)
The women in this tragedy are only seen as objects that are supposed to be won by the male characters. Furthermore, women are viewed to be nothing more than something that looks sexually sweet and pleasurable on the outside without having any thoughts for …show more content…

Juliet’s dress is off the shoulder and is on the shorter side, which is what Romeo would be attracted to when they first meet. This proves that Romeo’s love for Juliet is only skin deep and is forced on Juliet because of her immense beauty. After Mercutio mocks the maid for being ugly, the Nurse says, “I pray you, sir, what saucy merchant was this that / Was so full of his ropery” (II.iv.139-140). The nurse is a more defiant character, which is why her costume is not as direct in showing the portrayal of women. It is longer to show the dignity that she has for herself and the confidence she exudes over the stereotypical woman. The costume for the Nurse is more elegant and colorful because she has a different mindset than the other women since she doesn’t go along with what men think. Although, there are still slits on the dress because the sexism in the male characters still exist otherwise. The objectification of women in the play reveals the way the female characters perceive themselves, resulting in the difference between costume choices. Juliet

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